Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by National Director of Men, Br. Chuck Kalat, and National Director of Women, Sis. Barb Vondra.

Pledge to the flag was recited.

A moment of silence was observed in memory of our deceased Sokol members.

All District Directors, American Sokol Board of Instructor members and guests were welcomed and requested to rise and introduce themselves. A sign-in sheet was also passed around.


Chuck Kalat, KHB/Southern, ASO Men’s Director

Bob Kucera, Naperville/Central, 1st Asst. Men’s Director/ASO Youth Director

Thomas Pajer, Spirit/Central, 2nd Asst. Men’s Director

Barb Vondra, Stickney/Central, ASO Women’s Director.

Nancy Pajeau, Stickney/Central, 1st Asst. Women’s Director

Janet Kalat, KHB/Southern, 2nd Asst. Women’s Dir.

Juanita LoGiudice, Tabor/Central, ASO-BOI office secretary

Bev Domzalski, Chicagoland/Central, ASO-BOI recording secretary

Melissa Dunlap, Fort Worth/Southern, substitute Women’s Director

Rome Milan, Fort Worth/Southern, Men’s Director

Joe Balogh, New York/Eastern, Men’s Director

Carrie Baker, Baltimore/Eastern, Women’s Director

Jane Wise, Greater Cleveland/Northeastern, ASO-BOI

Howie Wise, Gr. Cleveland/Northeastern, Men’s Director

Maryann Fiordelis, Detroit/Northeastern, Women’s Director

EllenJeanne Schnabl, Spirit/Central, ASO-BOI, Educational Director

Ed Schnabl, Spirit/Central, ASO-BOI

Vojmir Benak, South Omaha/Western, ASO-BOI

Sandra Benak, South Omaha/Western, ASO-BOI

Buddy Benak, South Omaha/Western

Lynda Bazata, Spirit/Central, Women’s District Director

John Bazata, Spirit/Central, Men’s District Director

Gary Masek, ASO Executive Board

Allison Gerber, Western , Men/Women Director

Angie Damario, Baltimore/Eastern

Ethna Flaherty, New York/Eastern

Br. Gary Masek welcomed everyone with wishes for a successful conference and extended greetings from Br. Larry Laznovsky.

Each District Director has one vote, 1st and 2nd Assistants each have one vote, National Directors each have a vote. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussions, present opinions and suggestions even though they have no voting power. Motions are restricted to those who have voting rights, but anyone can join in on discussion.

General Conference Session Plans
Copies of National and District Director Reports and Committee Reports were mailed to conferees prior to the Conference for review. Agenda was presented and will be followed.

REVIEW OF SUBMITTED REPORTS – Questions/Comments/Discussions:

Each District elaborated on various activities their District participated in during the past year.
Central District (Written report attached)
– Central District activities were further explained, i.e. Sokol Naperville’s tricks for a treat, Sokol St. Louis’ September Fest and Sokol Tabor’s bean bag tournament. Br. T. Pajer asked if there were plans to make Sokol Town of Lake active; it was decided this topic can be discussed in general later in this meeting. The Skills Program results were included in this report. The meet director for the rhythmic competition had everyone register by computer. Sokol Tabor’s golf tournament had a turnout of about 40 people; they played 9 holes. The number of participants compared to the number of Central District enrollment was discussed; reasons for drop in participation is there are other outside activities that draw the enrollment away from Sokol activities.

Eastern District (Written report attached)
– Carrie Baker was praised for her detailed report that was turned in for Eastern District. A request was made for a contact person from Sokol Washington for use by the Youth Committee.

Northeastern District (Written report attached)
– Kevin Fitzpatrick is managing SGC High Voltage Team; they will be holding classes prior to Sunday night practices for people who are interested in improving their skills to be able to tryout in the future for the team.

Pacific District (Written report attached)
– Sis. L. Miller had a family emergency at the last minute and was unable to attend this meeting.
– Sokol Fresno is looking for used mats and wedges to use to begin a Tots program.

Southern District (Written report attached)
– Sis. M. Dunlap is very involved with teaching classes at Sokol Fort Worth as are other Sokol instructors.

Western District (Written report attached)

Annual Attendance Report (Written report attached)
– Submitted by Sis. M. Fiordelis.

2005 WSF/National Sokol Camp Report (Written report attached)
– Submitted by Sis. L. Laznovsky.
– It was noted that the average amount of children attending these camps each year is about 35. More participation is needed. The new weekend camps program is an attempt to spark interest in the National Camp to get more children to attend.
– This year, there was $1, 500 from the World Sokol Federation, which gave us an opportunity to pay the staff/counselors a salary. Next year, this money would come out of the Future Sokol Leaders’ Fund.
– At this time, there is no information about a camp after the Prague Slet.
– The National Camp will continue to be a joint effort between American Sokol, Sokol USA and DA Sokol.

*** A break was taken at 10:20 a.m. Meeting resumed at 10:35 a.m. ***

National Skills Month (Written report attached)
– Report submitted by Br. Bob Kucera.
– National Skills Month program has been taken over by Br. T. Pajer.
– Br. T. Pajer brought Skills packets with cards and ribbons to be distributed to each unit.
– On the current skills cards, the date at the top has been removed; the cards now contain a revision date at the bottom of the card. It was recommended that the instructors date the cards for their own information and use.
– The web site contains the most current version of all skill cards; there is also a sample of the cards in the BOI Handbook updates which were distributed today.

2004-2005 Report of the Editor of the Director’s Newsletter (Written report attached)
– Report submitted by Br. Chuck Kalat. Thanked Howie and Jane Wise for their “Wise Ideas” and the Youth Committee for its articles.
– Br. Bud Benak presented a $300 check on behalf of Sokol South Omaha to the Directors’ Newsletter.
– A suggestion was made to make a subscription to the Directors’ Newsletter mandatory for each unit. However, some units take the copies the unit director receives and photocopies it for its instructors. An article to be included in the Newsletter encouraging subscriptions would be welcome. Opinions, ideas and Sokol experiences are also requested for publication in the Directors’ Newsletter.

American Sokol Gymnast (Written report attached.)
– Report submitted by Sis. Kandi Pajer.
– The target of the Directors’ Newsletter, which goes to directors and instructors, is more on a technical basis and more BOI-type stuff. The Gymnast is intended for physical activity and general business things for the general member.
– It was noted in the last American Sokol publication that each district is responsible for a certain amount of pages per district’s designated month. Keep track of your district’s designated month and provide information for the publication; the deadline for entries is two months before publication.

Merit Award Report (Written report attached.)
– Report submitted by Sis. Eva Balas.
– Currently, the Merit Award application is being revised.
– Discussed different ways to revamp this program; possibly substitute other rewards rather than scholarship money. Changes to a program must be made at convention.
– A request was made to continue notifying the unit directors if students from their unit were given an application for the merit award so they can follow through with that student.
– It is important that Unit Directors encourage their juniors to keep a diary of activities they were involved in with their unit so that by the time they are in their senior year of high school requesting an application, they will have the information they need to complete the Merit Award application.

BOI Sales Report (Written report attached.)
– Sis. Juanita LoGiudice prepared a list of the Sokol programs and materials in the National Office that people are taking advantage of purchasing.
– There are six new Patti Komara tapes available this year; they were listed in the Directors’ Newsletter last month.

– Br. C. Kalat attended this meeting on 8/5/05 in Mystic, CT.
– To become a member of Sokol USA or participate in class, you must buy an insurance policy.

USAG CONGRESS OF COACHES (Written report attached.)
– Submitted by Sis. Barb Vondra who attended on August 11-13, 205 in Indianapolis, IN.
– Next year the USAG Congress will be held at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN.

– Submitted by Sis. EllenJeanne Schnabl.
– Discussion followed concerning the duties of the Educational Director. It was noted that the BOI Directors do more educational activities than the Educational Director does. For example, the Instructors’ School, which is educational, is not overseen by the Educational Director, but by the BOI.

*** At this time, a lunch break was taken at 12:00 pm. Meeting resumed at 12:50 pm.***

– Meeting was held last night, 10/20/05. Br. Bud Benak reported on this past Summer’s Instructors’ School. The School Board account for this year has been closed; a financial report was given to the American Sokol office along with a check for $478.96 closing out the account.
– There are less than 100 diplomas available at this time; the diplomas were the certificate with a folder. Sis. Kandi Pajer and Br. Bud Benak are going to look into revising the diploma part, incorporating the new logo and getting some ideas from the printer to change some other things, i.e. a heavier grade of paper.
– From the weekend instructor school pilot program held at Sokol Detroit, some suggestions were incorporated. These will be permanently added to the Instructors’ School Guidelines Book section for weekend schools.
– Discussed the practice teaching portion of the school; students get two opportunities to student teach; the students prepare their own lesson plan, they teach and then they are evaluated by a staff member; however, too many simple skills were being used for the teaching format. To better evaluate the student’s performance, the student will now have to follow lesson plans provided by the school. Sis. M. Cushing and Br. P. Lattanzio will provide 40 lessons for the student to choose from. These lessons should be available by June 1, 2006, in order to incorporate it into this Summer’s school.
– It was felt that the Instructor’s In Training (IT) position had no place else to go other than to be asked to be a full-fledged staff member, which is a big jump. Now the position of Assistant Instructor will be put into place. After volunteering to be an IT at the school, you will then advance to the position of Assistant Instructor, earning an actual salary of about $100/week. Guidelines for this position were created.
– PDP and Safety qualifications will not be a requirement for ITs and Assistant Instructors. This requirement will be re-worded saying that we strongly recommend that ITs and Assistant Instructors have these two qualifications/certifications in order to be considered on the school staff. If a person applies to one of these two positions and they were not PDP nor Safety certified, we would accept them as long as they would agree to take those two courses to be certified at the school they were attending. An assistant instructor may be selected from former Advanced or Advanced II students or Instructors’ In Training.
– Study guides have been updated and a plan has been put in place on how to use them.
– A suggestion was made to have the staff arrive a day earlier than in the past so the instructors/staff can go over the two-week schedule and any last minute items that need to be discussed.
– The Code of Conduct for the school is a bit lengthy; the Code will be condensed and should be ready by June 1, 1006.
– The school will no longer subsidize the PDP or Safety course; the student will have to pay the full amount; in the past the school paid for one-half of those courses.
– The cost for the school this year will be raised from $235 to $275.
– The Br. Bob Liptak Instructors’ School Scholarship rules will be included in the School’s Guidelines Book. A student attending the School will be eligible. Criteria for selection: (1) Good grades in all classes; (2) no discipline problems; (3) student should be an asset in every class; (4) student should be a good example of Sokol discipline during their stay at the school; (5) student should be enthusiastic and cordial when working with staff and other students; (6) student should show a deep interest in the Sokol system and organization. The recipient is selected by a vote of the school staff with the award to be presented at the graduation ceremonies. The amount of the scholarship will be the school’s registration fee and the registration fee will be sent to the unit sending the student to the school. The student does not actually get a monetary amount. Announcement of the scholarship and a picture of the recipient should be placed in the ASO publication as soon after the school has ended. Anyone who would donate money toward this scholarship fund would be donating to the school as there is no specific fund set up for the scholarship. Funds do come out of the Future Sokol Leaders Fund.
MOTION made by Sis. J. Kalat to accept the National School Board’s report, seconded by Sis. N. Pajeau and passed.
Written reports will be handed out sometime during the course of this weekend.

Sokol Program Revamp as Web Links
– Br. T. Pajer reported that the idea behind the Links Committee was to create a web page where you would click on a link and the link would give you these programs by their governing bodies. There are three people on this committee, Br. T. Pajer, Sis. L. Laznovsky and Br. F. Michalek. Currently, this site is at american-sokol.org/links. Right now, it contains volleyball and basketball. Eventually, all sports Sokol is involved in will have links. More people are needed for this committee. Br. R. Milan, Sis. M. Dunlap and Br. J. Balogh volunteered to help.
The deadline to complete this project is March 1, 2006.
Adult Seminar/Congress Type Merit Award Program
– Committee members are Sis. L. Lazanovsky, Sis. M. Cushing, Sis. N. Pajeau, Br. R. Milan and Sis. C. Baker. This program would be a merit award whereby instructors or directors would apply and the award would be to attend a USAG Congress or Regional Congress or something similar. This award would be geared toward adult instructors/directors to continue developing their education. The committee needs to provide guidelines for this program. Someone needs to be appointed as chairperson.
Volume Direct Access to Instructors “Spamming”
– Br. T. Pajer has been working on this program. Rather than spamming, we ought to have a place where people register to receive training material, or see a BOI activity, etc. Spamming is known as volume direct access. Once you register, you can un-subscribe to this list serve. This service is available at american-sokol.org/subscribe.
Sokol Awards Program
– To date, this program has not been pursued. This program was presented by Br. J. Milan at the convention.
“National” Events and National Event Coordinator
– The BOI is committed to $30, 000 of net income over five years. The BOI will attempt to get a National Event Coordinator(s) and they would hold some gigantic national event and we would raise $6, 000 each year for five years.
– Br. R. Milan would talk to a person about hosting a gymnastics meet. The event would pay for itself, but anything extra would go towards the National BOI. Br. R. Milan talked about hosting a Class 5 North Texas State Championships, which has 500+ children. A bid would need to be placed to host this event in 2007.
MOTION made by Sis. M. Fiordelis to have Br. R. Milan pursue the person hosting this event in April, 2007, seconded by Sis. L. Bazata and passed.
– The alternative to not raising the $30, 000 would be to cut the BOI budget by an appropriate amount.

2005 AMERICAN SOKOL SLET – REVIEW (Written report attached)
– The 2005 American Sokol Slet Report of the BOI is attached. Br. C. Kalat reviewed this report with everyone present. Several comments in different areas were made.

– Consideration is being given to having people send in calisthenics routines and not commission particular people to do so. Committees would be created for review of the submissions.
– One suggestion was to have only three routines, one for senior co-ed, one for juniors and seniors and one for all children.
– Testing should continue to be done for all cals.
– Information supplied in advance would have been helpful.

*** At this time a 15-minute break was taken. ***

– Tabled discussion on the possibility of holding a Slet every two years and only doing certain events in each year.
– Participation ribbons were handed out after Slet rehearsal; some people did not understand the point of these ribbons; some thought that was their return onto the field for free for the actual Slet performance. The ribbons were intended to be participation/souvenir ribbons.
– Suggestion was made that during the Slet program we should have several events going on at one time. It would shorten the program and yet allow everyone to see everything we offer.
– Br. E. Schnabl read a letter regarding the problems encountered at Slet. At the end of the letter he announced the letter was dated August, 1997, stating nothing has changed to date. Br. Schnabl also commended all the work done by the National Directors in putting the Slet together.

– Br. B. Kucera prepared a summary sheet of the Tournament Rules that were submitted. Each item on the sheet was addressed and the results are as follows:
1. Change.
2. Change.
3. No change.
4. No change.
5. Change. Add word “Men.” Change to replace age groups.
6. Change withdrawn. Taken care of by change to item #5.
7. No change.
8. Change withdrawn.
9. No change.

*** At 5:30 p.m. a dinner break was taken. Meeting resumed at 6:45 p.m. ***

10. Change.
11. Change withdrawn.
Item added. Page 4, Paragraph 2; suggestion made to include stud earrings. Change.
12. Change by removing paragraph.
13. Section I-(6)K (not I). Change.
14. Change.
15. Change.
16. No change.
17. Change.
18. Change.
19. No change, but will clarify with the way it is worded.
20. No change.
21. Change.
22. Change.
23. Change.
24. No change.
25. Change.
MOTION made by Sis. A. Gerber to make the women’s rhythmics age groups to match the same as they are for the women’s artistic, seconded by Sis. N. Pajeau and passed.
26. No change.
27. No change.
28. No change.
29. Change.
MOTION was made by Sis. J. Kalat to remove Section IV of the Tournament Rules and leave Team Calisthenics and Team Marching rules under Special Events section, seconded by Br. B. Kucera and passed.
30. Change does not matter because of Motion.
31. Change does not matter because of Motion.
32. Change does not matter because of Motion.
33. Change does not matter because of Motion.
34. Change. Br. B. Kucera requested that someone provide him with a proper picture of a young boy in uniform with proper socks shown.
35. Change. Br. B. Kucera requested Sokol Detroit to send him a picture of a correct Tot in uniform.
Unnumbered. The last change on the page should be part of the special rules.

– Br. C. Kalat spoke to the National Men’s Director at Sokol USA, who asked if we would consider the possibility of conducting an American Sokol Instructors School at Barryville after their 2007 Slet.

MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to allow Sokol USA to bid for the American Sokol Instructors School at Barryville, NY, seconded by Sis. M. Fiordelis and passed.

Participation and Activities to Date
– Participation for 2005-2006 currently has 85 youth members; 26 new members and 59 renewal members, all from Sokol Spirit. Currently, has data from Sokol KHB, Sokol Tabor, Sokol St. Louis and Sokol Cedars, but still awaiting confirmation of payment from the office.
– Current activities include pen-pal program and coloring contest.
– In November Youth Newsletter, Br. Kucera solicited comments from 2005 summer camp people and has received four responses to include in the newsletter.
– Br. Kucera is in the process of updating Section 13 of the Director’s Handbook for the Youth Membership program.
– Other activities upcoming is passport replacement; first 3 youth members who turn in a completed passport (stickers from 1999 on) will receive a prize package, along with a free passport to continue. After those three, everyone else will just receive a replacement passport along with the return of their current passport.
– Comment was made to consider using a larger print for the newsletter going to the younger children. Also, suggested there be more activities for the younger children to do in the newsletter, rather than just give them information.
– Suggested there be more pages, rather than just one, if it is cost efficient; four more pages would still cost $.37 to send.

– New Wing is conducting a Winter Slet in Chicago area.
– The coordinators from the Project 16-24 program selected the new name of New Wing to get away from the age designation for the group. Howie and Jane Wise are the advisors to the New Wing and have been for the past two years. There will be a New Wing presentation tomorrow during the Development Conference.
– Basically, New Wing will be promoting friendship among young adults through various types of activities. First activity coming up is the Winter Slet.
– Flyer, Registration Form and Team Registration Form for the Winter Slet were passed out; they will also be mailed out to all units. Winter Slet is scheduled for 12/2-4/2005. The hotel for overnight attendees will be the Hampton Inn in Westchester, IL; $69/night. On Saturday, 8:00-10:00 a.m. will be the bowling competition at Eden Lanes. From 12:00-5:00 p.m., indoor beach volleyball at North Beach Volleyball. From 7:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m., social at Sokol Tabor with a live band along with a Bean Bag Tournament. There is no charge for the social; anyone invited. Sunday is check-out and go home. Bowling competition will be same as bowling competition for Slet. Awards will be for male and female; no age group prize; participants must be 18 years old or over. Volleyball fee includes time at the Court for five hours; beverages are provided by the facility. People are encouraged to form a team from their unit; however, if there are only two people, they will be placed on an established team or create a new team. Bean Bag sign-up will take place at the social and registration fee will be paid at that time. Sokol USA and DA Sokol will be invited to attend. Age limit is 18 and over; no upper age limit. Event locations are responsible for serving beverages to age appropriate participants. There is a Winter Slet link available on the American Sokol web site. Winter Slet Committee members are Ted Polashek, Mike Wise, Steve Wise, Kevin Fitzpatrick and Mike Dropka.
– Carissa Skrivanek has resigned her position on the New Wing committee. New Wing is currently seeking another coordinator. All meetings are by teleconference calls

– Nothing further to comment on.

– At the convention, there was a suggestion to have the uniform committee look at accessories to the uniform. Establishing the uniform committee has not yet taken place.
– At the convention, it was postponed until this meeting, consideration of parade dress for the American Sokol at the parade in Prague for the 2006 Slet.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer that a choice be given of either the Sokol parade uniform, official hat optional, or the American Sokol gym uniform, and that the junior girls and girls be allowed to wear the American Sokol red (girls) or blue (junior girls) shorts over their leotard for the Prague parade, seconded by Sis. M. Fiordelis and passed.
– National Uniform Report – October, 2005 by Sis. Jean Hruby, Uniform Director is attached.

– All District Directors received a fresh copy of the Instructors Digest 8.
– Sis. J. Kalat and Sis. J. LoGiudice worked on updating the Unit and District Directors Handbook. Packets of updates will be handed out.
– If anyone needs another copy of this Handbook, they are available at the ASO office for $10.00.
– Suggestion was made to skip a year for the development conference; hold the development conference every other year.
– Br. T. Pajer suggested writing a proposal for a large development conference to be held in conjunction with the next convention in 2010 in Las Vegas, NV.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to hold next development conference in 2007, seconded by Sis. M. Fiordelis and passed.
– Br. R. Milan suggested coming to the Southern District for the 2007 development conference.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to accept the Southern District’s offer to hold the 2007 development conference and meeting hosted by the Southern District, seconded by Sis. N. Pajeau and passed.
– The 2007 conference will be held in the month of October.

– Br. Bud Benak had nothing further to add.

– Discussion regarding this award was held during the National School Board Meeting report included in these minutes.

– Currently, no plans or date are in place. At convention, BOI voted to allocate $2, 000 from the Future Sokol Leaders Fund to support the camp. The budget committee at the convention chose not to consider the Future Sokol Leaders Fund budget at all. The BOI will now approach the American Sokol executive board with that proposal. This year, the BOI will not have the $1, 500 from the World Sokol Federation.

– The CD/DVD packages available for those who are planning to go to Prague; cost is $25.00. The CD includes all three calisthenics routines. The DVD includes the video received from the COS, which has all 16 cals on it; it has a special DVD of the women’s cal; also included is the women’s cal clinic from Sokol Tabor. The men’s cal shows two men doing the cal. We do not have an official COS training video for the senior cal.
– At this time, the BOI members present viewed portions of the COS DVD.
– COS is asking that there be no substitutes, i.e. women drilling men’s parts.
– During the week before Slet, the COS is sponsoring a competition for boys and girls in a certain age group; it will be an optional-type, higher level competition; there will be special housing for these children. The COS web site will have current information.
– Uniform order forms will be sent out in the future.
– COS is requesting a head count of cal participants as soon as possible.
– Br. T. Pajer reported on the American Sokol Performance Team. Tryouts are complete; those who tried out attended four Sundays, two hours long, of tryouts. Eleven people have been accepted on the team. They were notified this past Wednesday that they are part of the team. First practice will begin 10/30/05; and will continue every Sunday thereafter until Slet. The team is encouraged to do stunts and pyramids throughout parade route. The expectation of the Team is an approximate 5-minute number at the gala performance. Br. Pajer is looking to provide more opportunities for the team once they are there. The intention of the team is to serve as ambassadors of the American Sokol in every aspect.
– The convention authorized $25, 000 for the team. The BOI will have to do their best to raise all or as much of that money. Br. T. Pajer is putting together fundraisers/sponsorships to raise that money. To date, the team has earned about $2, 000 toward that end. Br. Pajer has some special events planned. The team is committed to fundraisers through the entire year.
– The members on the team range in age from 14 years to 28 years old; they are Tom Pajer, Joe Kucera, Matt Kocek, Kandi Pajer, Janet Lutha, Paul Koc, Megan Rosenow, Karyn Domzalski, Kenny Fron, Melissa Carlson, Jessica Rus and Christina Kucki.
– BOI requested everyone to ask their units to make a monetary donation. Permission has been received from the executive board to funnel the proceeds from the Seal campaign this year for this team.
– Suggestion was made to check into Walmart and Target for grants for the team.

– Information and promotional brochures were passed out for Pittsburgh. Includes a tentative schedule for the Slet beginning on Thursday through Sunday. Most competitions are on Saturday. Slet will be at the convention center in downtown Pittsburgh. The host hotel is attached to the convention center. There is a short children’s calisthenics; Sokol USA is working on a Junior/Senior combined calisthenics and a Group 2 calisthenics from 1988. Sokol USA will probably use the same routines American Sokol does.
– Suggestion was made to think about preparing a Special Number to present at this Slet; not 500-mile number, but something similar.

– Normally BOI would track July to July; a budget was done in April for the convention; a new budget cycle began in July; a new Budget was not presented today.
– The full budget was ultimately accepted with the finance committee at the convention with the addition of $30, 000 of income as discussed earlier. Conferences are budgeted every year. There is a development conference budgeted every year, so doing one every other year will save us some money.

Slovak Catholic Sokol Slet
– Br. H. Wise and Sis. J. Wise attended the Slovak Catholic Sokol Slet in July, 2005, in Pittsburgh. Sokol Greater Cleveland’s instructors trained them in gymnastics. Their gymnastics competition has optional routines put together with compulsory moves; they are judged. Their Slet is performed every two years and consists of gymnastic competitions, track and field events and drill (calisthenics). All participants are required to drill as a competitive event; each individual and as a group are judged on the entire drill. The drill they perform comes from 1 of 3 choices, chosen the day prior. They begin their event with a full Catholic mass; then there is about 15-20 minutes of tumbling. They do 3 different numbers; they do a number, then a hand apparatus, do another number, collect those and go back and do another hand apparatus, then drill, then another apparatus, then men would come out and do their number. Final number had everyone on the field, then the lights went out and everyone held glow sticks and did the number one more time. At the end, awards were given out.

Inactive Units
– Inactive units were discussed; how to make them more active. The by-laws state that there has to be more progress for the inactive units.
Traveling Summer Sokol Camp
– Traveling summer camp pilot program was held this past summer in the Central District. It was like a mini National Camp. The camp was held from Friday night to Sunday noon. Everyone participated in camp-like activities. The pilot was a success. The actual traveling camp is ready to move forward next summer from the end of June through the beginning of September. The staff members would be sent to your Unit or District to run the camp. Camp activities are in place, flyers are ready, forms and rules are all prepared. Presently, Br. T. Pajer is the contact for the camp; he does not attend the camp. The staff consists of Kevin Fitzpatrick, Maria Briedenbach and Stacey Domzalski. The camp host is responsible for the kitchen duties and providing sleeping quarters. The ages of the campers are 7 to 14, which worked out very well.
American Sokol Slet 2009
– Br. R. Milan handed out packets with information about Ft. Worth, TX. Br. Milan on behalf of Southern District would like to hold the 2009 American Sokol Slet in Ft. Worth, TX, on July 7 through July 12, 2009. It would be held at the Ft. Worth Convention Center.

– Sis. M. Fiordelis invited everyone to Sokol Detroit’s 130th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, 11/6/05.
– Western District will be holding their Slet during the last weekend of April, 2006.
– December 2-4, 2005, New Wing Winter Slet.
– Central District will be holding a Track & Field Meet and Fitness Challenge at Morton College; October and November Friday nights are for Men’s volleyball; November 20, 2005, Women’s volleyball Tournament at Sokol Chicagoland/Elite Sports Complex; December 10, 2005, Boys and Men Gymnastics Competition/Boys Skills at Sokol Spirit; December 11, 2005, Rhythmics Competition at Sokol Chicagoland/Elite Sports Complex; March 11, 2006, Sokol Tabor’s Exhibition; March 12, 2006, Sokol Chicagoland’s Exhibition; March 17, Sokol Naperville’s Exhibition; March 18, 2006, Sokol Stickney’s Exhibition; March 25, 2006, Sokol Spirit’s Exhibition; April 1, 2006, Lodge 306 Exhibition; April 8, 2006, Special Number Competition at LT North High School; May 13, 2006, Little Girls Competition; May 20, 2006, Girls and Women Gymnastic Competition at LT North High School; May 20, 2006, Boys/Men Gymnastic Competition at Sokol Spirit; May 21, 2006, Sokol Day at Cermak Woods.
– Sis. J. LoGiudice has Czech American TV videos of the 2005 Slet; about 1 hour and 15 minutes of Slet time; remainder of time includes other Sokol events that were televised. Cost is $20.00 per video.

– Next Directors’ Conference will be held in October, 2006. Eastern District offered to host the next conference and will provide the exact dates. Sokol Detroit will be unable to attend the second weekend of October, 2006.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly R. Domzalski, Recording Secretary