Juniors and Adults Leg Strength/Toning Exercises


Leg Strength/Toning



Exercise Name

Plie‘ Squats

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand with feet a little more than
hip-width apart.  Put hands on hips,
out to sides or out forward for balance. 
Slowly lower into squat and stand back up.  Repeat.

Exercise Variation

Using the same technique, remain
in squat position instead of the repeated plie‘ and

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep upper body straight  and do not let knees lead out over



Exercise Name

Squat Kicks

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin standing with feet
together.  Squat down.  Upon standing, kick foot forward keeping
leg straight, then squat back down. Repeat with
other foot.  Continue to do kicks to each side and backward.

Exercise Variation

Perform kicks in each direction
without squatting in between.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on keeping torso upright and
legs straight.



Exercise Name

Calf Raises

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand on the edge of a mat with
heels hanging off of the mat.  Raise up on toes as high as possible then relax so that
heels actually drop lower than the edge of the mat.  Repeat.

Exercise Variation

Perform the calf raises standing
on the floor.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do several repetitions, but do not
bounce in between.  Be sure that each
raise is its own movement.




Exercise Name

Depth Jumps

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin standing on top of a
mat.  Jump straight up in the air,
using arms to create additional momentum. 
Upon landing jump forward onto the floor, landing with bent knees.
Perform another straight jump to complete the repetition.

Exercise Variation

Jump up and then forward on the
floor instead of from a mat.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Emphasize proper landing



Exercise Name

Leg Balance Series

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin in a squat. Stand up with
arms to side. Keep arms here for whole sequence. Step forward into a
lunge.  Straighten forward leg and lift
back leg into a scale. Bend knee of lifted leg into a curl position, then
straighten knee lifted knee, bend lunge knee, return to standing and squat
down.  Repeat for other leg.

Exercise Variation

Start from standing,
lift one leg up in back to a scale. 
Curl up knee, then straighten and lower to standing.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Go slowly and focus on keeping
proper posture and balance.



Exercise Name

Quad Contractions

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Sit in a pike position, legs
extended, feet together.  Contract quadriceps muscles so that knees
are straight.  Flex feet so that toes
are pointed up and in contraction, try to make heels lift off the
ground.  Hold for 10 seconds then

Exercise Variation

Can also perform quadriceps
contractions while sitting in a chair and lifting legs up to parallel.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on isolating the quadriceps
muscle group to contract.



Exercise Name

Toe Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand with feet flat on the
ground, near something to hold onto for balance.  Lift toes up off of the ground and hold.
Will feel stretch in back of calf and will be working anterior lower leg
muscles. Relax and repeat.

Exercise Variation

Can perform this exercise while
sitting in a chair by extending legs out straight and pulling toes upward
towards ceiling.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Work to feel the stretch in the
back of the leg.




Exercise Name

Glut Bridge

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with knees bent.  Cross arms over chest. Lift hips up off of
ground and hold.

Exercise Variation

Perform as above but use arms at
side for additional support.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Use not only the leg muscles but
also the core for stability.



Exercise Name

Thigh Adduction

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on side, supporting with lower
elbow. Bottom leg extended straight, top leg bent and pulled up toward chest,
knee resting on ground.  Lift straight
leg about 6 inches up off of the ground in short repetitions.

Exercise Variation

Can also be done with top leg bent
and foot resting on floor in front of straight leg.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Should feel muscles on inside of
thigh working during this exercise. 
Use core muscles to maintain balance.



Exercise Name

Fire Hydrants

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

This exercise is done in four
parts simultaneously-on hands and knees (all fours)-1. Lift one leg up
parallel to floor and knee bent to 90 degrees. 2. Keep leg lifted and extend
straight.  3.  Bend leg back to position number 1.  and 4. bring leg back down to resting position.  That is one repetition. Can also use ankle

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed by just
holding action leg out to side and lifting while extended.  Repetitions can be performed or held in
static position.  Can also be done
while standing and lifting leg up to side. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Motion must be performed slowly
and with control.




Exercise Name

Wall Sits

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit against wall with
back up against wall-thighs parallel to ground, knees bent at 90 degrees,
lower legs parallel to wall and ankle joint at 90 degrees.  Have participants squeeze knees tightly
together for 10 seconds. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed by
sitting on a chair and standing up slightly and holding that position.  Make sure knees are not past toes-want
knees even with ankles. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Back must be straight and against
wall.  Can hold longer if too easy or
add more repetitions if needed. 



Exercise Name


Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand with feet hip
width apart.  Concentrate on
leaning/pushing back.  Squat should go
as low as 90 degrees or so thighs are parallel to floor.  Squeeze all muscles while exercise is being
performed.  As legs press down, arms
raise up and help keep weight on heels in back .  As stand up arms lower back down.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with a
balance aid such as a chair or a cane. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Squat towards back, pushing bottom
to floor behind, knees should never go over toes. 



Exercise Name

Leg Lift Circles

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit on floor with
feet out front in pike position and hands on floor next to thighs.  Perform leg lift with straight legs.  Also, sit in straddle with hands in middle
on floor.  Tilt back and lift feet off
floor with straight legs-can hold position or perform circles with legs going
outward and inward. 

Exercise Variation

Can perform by just holding legs
lifted.  Can also bend knees.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Movement should be performed
slowly and with control.




Exercise Name

Cross Jumps

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Tape crosses on floor or use a
line on gym floor.  Have participants
jump front to back and side to side simultaneously.  This should be done with one foot at a

Exercise Variation

Same benefits can be received from
just standing on one foot and holding a balance.  Can add difficulty by standing on a softer
more unstable surface. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Jumps should be low and



Exercise Name

Inside Side Lying Leg Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on side with arms
in a relaxed position and for stability. 
Top leg in bent behind bottom leg, foot resting flat on floor.  Bottom leg is bent, at top of lift extend
knee and squeeze all leg muscles, bend knee again and slowly lower back to
resting position.  Can also perform
with pulses at top of contraction and/or with a static hold.  Repeat on same side for a number of
repetitions.  Then perform on other

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed while
leg is either straight or bent only. 
Can also hold in static position.     

Exercise Teaching Hints

Lift heel up with inside of ankle
reaching towards ceiling. 



Exercise Name

Lying Side Leg Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on side with arms
in relaxed position and for stability. 
Top leg does the motion-bend knee and lift
leg while keeping knee and foot as horizontal as possible, then extend leg,
then bend leg back to horizontal position and back to relax position.  Repeat for a number of repetitions on same
leg, then switch legs. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed without

Exercise Teaching Hints

When extending leg, knee should
never be locked.  When straightening
knee squeeze all leg muscles, but never fully straightened to prevent




Exercise Name

Heel Lift Backs

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin by starting on
all fours on knees.  One leg is lifted
up in back, fully extended and as high as possible, then knee is bent while
in air toe flexed and pressed up, then knee extended
again, then back down to resting position. 
Repetitions should be performed on one leg, then perform on opposite

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
active leg bent the entire time.  Heel
should be lifted up towards ceiling.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Head should not be lifted up, do
not want to put stress on spine, so eyes should be focused on floor.



Exercise Name

Thera-band Thigh Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on side with arms
in a relaxed position and for stability. 
Thera-band is looped around ankles.  Lift top leg up in air and perform
repetitions on that leg.  Can also
perform static hold and/or pulses at top to gain benefits.  Can also bend knees and perform lifts to
incorporate muscle groups in a different way. 
Perform exercise on opposite leg as well.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with thera-band around thighs-or closer to core.  

Exercise Teaching Hints

Exercise should be performed
slowly to reduce risk of injury. 



Exercise Name

Thera-band Leg Extensions

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin by standing
with thera-band tied in a loose loop around both
ankles.  Leg lift is
performed with one leg lifting straight and toe
up as high as possible
against resistance.  Perform
repetitions on same side.  Repeat on
other side.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed while
sitting.  Sitting on a chair or bench
with knees bent at 90 degrees, tie thera– band in a
loose loop around both ankles like above.  Leg lift is performed with one leg lifting
to full extension.  Perform repetitions
on same side.  Repeat on other side. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Knee should not be locked at top
of lift-this can cause injury to joint. 
As finish lift, squeeze all leg muscles and hold for a second without
knee locked to prevent injury. 




Exercise Name

Hamstring Heel Curl With Stability

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back on floor
with legs extended and heels on ball. 
Slowly bend knees up so heels almost touch gluts. Then slowly extend
legs back down to starting position. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed by just
holding the ball stationary with heels on ball and knees bent with heels
almost touching gluts.  Arms can be
placed out to the side for more stability.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Hamstrings should always be firing
as well as core muscles to aid in success of exercise.   



Exercise Name

Laying Lunges

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lie on back with stability ball at
feet.  Place one heel on top of ball
and bend opposite leg so that foot is at about the knee.  Use arms at sides to support and lift hips
putting weight on bent leg and balancing opposite leg on ball.  Hold then lower and repeat.

Exercise Variation

Perform the laying lunge while
keeping the straight leg on the ground (without using the stability ball).

Exercise Teaching Hints

Try to keep back from arching when
lifting up.  Place majority of weight
on bent leg.



Exercise Name

Thera-band Calf Press

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Sit on the floor in a pike
position.  Hold the ends of the thera-band and place the middle of the band around (NOT
looped) the sole of the foot.  Bend
elbows and pull band tight to create resistance.  Push the sole of the foot down towards the
floor flexing/relaxing the calf muscle. 
After several repetitions switch feet.

Exercise Variation

Follow the same technique as
described above but use both feet simultaneously to reduce tension on the
individual legs.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Pulling the band tighter towards
the body or wrapping the ends of the band around the hands will create
greater tension and more resistance for the muscles to work against.




Exercise Name

Walking Lunges

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Holding weights down at either
side of body, begin by lifting one knee up so thigh
is parallel to ground.  Step forward
into a lunge with the lifted knee (create a 90 degree angle at the
knee).  Once in stable lunge position,
raise arms in front first to shoulder level, then up over head.  Lower arms to shoulder level at sides then
down to hang at sides.  Step to close
bringing back leg up and then repeat on opposite side.

Exercise Variation

If just starting off, perform this exercises as described above but do not use the

Exercise Teaching Hints

Use slow definitive movements and
do not allow knees to lead out over toes.



Exercise Name

Stair Squats

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand on the edge of the stepper
with one foot on the stepper one foot on the ground.  The leg on the stepper will be the base
leg.  Slowly straighten base leg to
nearly full extension, then lower until opposite foot is about one in from
ground, then straighten leg again.  Try
not to touch the ground between repetitions

Exercise Variation

Begin with one foot on stepper and
the other on the ground as described above. 
Straighten leg slowly and then bend until toes touch ground.  Give a very slight push with toes and
straighten base leg again then repeat.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Try not to lean forward or to the
side when lowering foot to the floor. 
Keep knee over ankle, do not let knee go far out in front of toes when



Exercise Name

Walk & Rotate Lunges

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Holding medicine ball in front of
body, arms extended, begin by lifting one knee up so thigh is parallel to ground.  Step forward into a lunge with the lifted
knee (create a 90 degree angle at the knee). 
Once in stable lunge position, lower arms slightly so that the
medicine ball is at waist height and slowly twist torso toward  forward leg then back to front.  Step to close bringing back leg up and then
repeat on opposite side.

Exercise Variation

Perform the lunges as described
above but do not twist while in the lunge position.  Instead, once the back leg steps to close,
then rotate the torso to both sides while in a standing position

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on making a 90 degree angle
at the knee on each lunge, do not let the knee lead out over the ankle.  Also try to keep arms extended.