We'd love your support as we continueOnward & Upward!

Donation Details

Support American Sokol with an online donation!  Below, you'll find all the different available funds and their descriptions - clicking the "Donate" button will take you to our Square site where you can make your selections.

Endowment Foundation

Established in 1991 with monies frugally maintained by the Foundation Committee over the years from Silent Auctions, Events, Slets, etc., the Executive Board upon recommendation of the Foundation Committee allowed the fund to become an endowment for use by the American Sokol.  This invested capital publishes a financial report for the Executive Board’s January meeting and the Foundation committee recommends projects, events, grants, etc. which have Executive Board approval.  The Foundation does not utilize any American Sokol Operations money, but all its expenses come from the EF. The financial reports are part of the audit and follow protocol.


Future Sokol Leaders

Established in 1960, this fund provides financial assistance for the training and education of youth members to become able administrators, advocates, and instructors of American Sokol. The FSLF has contributed to the success of the American Sokol National Instructor School and has funded the annual Merit Awards through the Education Committee of American Sokol, which provides financial assistance toward College Educations. This fund also assists with the continuance of Development Conferences for our coaches. Past monetary contributors include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Award Program administered by the Chicago Czech Consulate. The fund is administered by the Foundation and a volunteer administrator. All budgets and awards are approved by the Executive Board. It is a goal that enough money could be raised so the Future Sokol Leaders fund becomes endowed.


Gateway to the Future

GTTF is an internal grant program developed from the revenues of the ASO 150th anniversary celebration. The annual grant program has assisted more than 18 different units with gymnastic equipment; energy-saving projects; assistance after tragic environment events (hurricane, flooding, etc.); fire safety; pavement repair; gym heaters; roof and truss repair; kitchen equipment; etc. Past monetary contributors include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Award Program administered by the Chicago Czech Consulate. The fund is administered by the Foundation and a volunteer administrator. All budgets and awards are approved by the Executive Board.


Library & Archives

In its over 150-year history, American Sokol has acquired a significant collection of historical treasures. In 2017, the Education Committee received a Foundation Grant for software documentation and has actively moved this forward with an archivist. In process is the uploading of collection pictures/ information to the website: americansokol.pastperfectonline.com. Purchases of gold guard museum quality cabinets for storage and acid free boxes and selves/pockets have been made. Past monetary contributors include the American Sokol Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Award Program administered by the Chicago Czech Consulate. The fund is administrated by the Education Director and committee. All budgets are approved by the Executive Board.


Operations & Admin

American Sokol was started February 14, 1865 in St. Louis, Missouri. At the website American-Sokol.org, historical, operational, and programming (past and future) are reviewed. These funds are administrated by the Treasurer and budgets by the Director of Budget and Finance. A four-year budget is approved at the convention held every four years (last in 2022) and brought to the executive board to approve any changes during subsequent years. A report is generated for the executive board monthly.


Unit Growth

Because of an anonymous trust fund donation in 2011 to assist the American Sokol in retention and increasing membership, this fund was established.  Early on there were unit membership contests, and today annual grants are made to units for website design and upgrades, and presence in their communities. The grants made from this fund have gone to signage, memberships in local Chambers, booths at local fairs or parades, and even a mobile gymnastics bus!Past monetary contributors include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Award Program administered by the Chicago Czech Consulate. The fund is administered by the Foundation. All budgets and awards are approved by the Executive Board.