Juniors and Adults Warm-Up Exercises



Exercise Name

Heel Jacks

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Similar to Jumping Jacks, Arms
move up and down while feet alternate extending one leg side-(Arms up while
heel is out, arms down when step to close.)

Exercise Variation

Can be done sitting in a chair.
Same motions are used.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Perform slowly at first, then
increase speed for sufficient warm up.



Exercise Name

Jog in Place

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stationary jogging.  Can have variations that include lifting
knees up high, kicking feet up in back, etc. 
Also want to move arms up and down in rhythm with jogging.

Exercise Variation

Can do short spurts of jogging or
stand in place and lift knees high or kick feet up in back.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Try to land lightly on feet while



Exercise Name

Obstacle Course Warm-up

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Set up a course using various
equipment that all participants will complete in order to warm up all muscles
of the body.

Exercise Variation

Some ideas include weaving through
cones, jumping over mats, climbing stairs, etc.

Exercise Teaching Hints

This activity is a great way to
add some variety into a warm up because it can be different each time.




Exercise Name

Brisk Walk

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Individually or in a group, start
off by walking around the gym.  Use
arms to increase heart rate.

Exercise Variation

Walk at a manageable pace.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Maintain a steady pace and swing
arms (may seem exaggerated) to generate greater blood flow.



Exercise Name

Shake Outs

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand up, feet hip-width
apart.  Start with neck and shoulders
and  contract and relax muscle groups
quickly. Add more muscle groups until you are moving all parts of your body
in short quick motions.

Exercise Variation

Move joints at a pace that is

Exercise Teaching Hints

Stay loose and relaxed.



Exercise Name

Back Twists

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand with feet hip-width apart,
arms extended out to sides.  Slowly
rotate trunk back and forth to warm up muscles of the lower back.

Exercise Variation

Help facilitate trunk rotation by
crossing arms over torso and pulling gently with hands.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Start off slowly and increase
speed after time.



Exercise Name

Jump Rope

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Jump rope up and down the length
of the gym hopping on both feet at the same time.  Can also do different variations: skipping,
double jumps, jumping backwards, on one foot, crossovers, etc.

Exercise Variation

Jump rope in place at a
comfortable pace.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not try to go so fast jumps are
missed. Work for accuracy before speed.




Exercise Name

Shoot Out Series

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin standing, quickly squat
down, shoot legs out to pushup position, perform pushup, jump legs back in to
squat, straight jump up with arms overhead. Repeat.

Exercise Variation

Perform the exercises at a
manageable pace.  Break down the
movements and perform them one by one instead of in a quick series.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Begin slowly to learn series and
eventually work up speed for greater intensity.



Exercise Name

Track and Field Warm Up

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Set up the equipment needed to
perform a quick circuit of track and field exercises.  Include a shuttle run, high jump, broad
jump, basketball throw, etc.

Exercise Variation

Perform the exercises at a manageable

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on using proper technique
while working quickly to complete the exercises.



Exercise Name


Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back with feet
high in air.  Can brace back with hands
placed on hips and elbows propped on floor. 
Legs simulate riding a bike by making a circular like motion.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be done while sitting
on a chair.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Make movements continuous and at a
quick pace.  Music can be used.



Exercise Name

Step Lunge

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin by walking at a
moderate pace and every fifth step perform a lunge.  Keep foot in front and bend back leg to get
knee to almost touch floor.  Hands
should go to hips when lunge is performed. 
Change of pace and intensity should be done as well-such as walk one
lap around without lunge-or lunge on every step for a lap.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed at a
slow pace and lunge with minimal leg bend or muscle squeeze. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Exercise can be done in partners
or with music to keep desired intensity and excitement. 




Exercise Name

Kick Boxing Arm Warm Up

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants perform series of
kick boxing moves.  In neutral stance
position (lunge, right foot in front), Jab is performed with same hand
performing punch, Cross is performed with opposite hand performing punch,
Hook is performed with arm parallel to floor and same arm as foot, and Upper
Cut is lifted as if punching someone under chin and opposite arm as foot in
front.  Can do punches in
combinations.  Punches should be done
on both sides.  Stance should be
relaxed and hips should shift and lunge as punches are performed.

Exercise Variation

Punches can be performed without
hip shift and lunging. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Knees should be relaxed in neutral
stance to provide stable base of support. 
When performing punches, elbows should never be fully extended or
locked.  At end of movement (punch) all
muscle groups should be tightened to make arm stiff.



Exercise Name

Kick Boxing Leg Warm Up

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants perform series of
kick boxing moves.  In neutral stance
position (lunge, right foot in front), Front Kick is performed with same foot
that is in front, Side Kick is performed with back leg kicking out to side
and heel aiming at object to strike, Back Kick is performed with back leg and
heel aiming at object to strike and Knee Strike is performed with back leg performing,
knee coming up in front and arms pulling down to pretend to smash on
knee.  Stance should be relaxed and
feet should shift as kicks are performed to maintain balance.  Kicks should be done on both sides.

Exercise Variation

Kicks should be performed low and
hands can be rested on an object such as a chair. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Knees should be relaxed in neutral
stance to provide stable base of support. 
When performing kicks, knees should never be fully extended or
locked.  At end of movement (kick) all
muscle groups should be tightened to make leg stiff.



Exercise Name

Walk, Leg Lift, Squat Warm Up

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants walk at a moderate
pace.  Every fifth step lift front leg
up as high as possible-to horizontal- while squeezing quad and holding for a
few seconds, then bringing foot back down hip width apart from other foot and
performing a squat.  Press gluts down
in back and aim towards floor.  Walk
again and repeat on other side. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be done with low lift
of front leg and minimal squat.  Goal
is to tighten and engage leg musculature. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Leg lift should be performed
without locking knees, but tightening all muscles in leg.  To perform squat must not allow knees to go
in front of toe.  Press gluts backwards
so knees remain just above ankles. 




Exercise Name

Imaginary Jump Rope

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants simulate jumping
rope. Can be done with one foot at a time or both together.  Jumps can be done while putting one foot
out in front and/or to the side, knees can be lifted up in front.  Specific jump positions can be performed
with both foot jumps, such as tuck jump, pike jump or straddle jumps,

Exercise Variation

Simulation can be performed
without entire foot leaving ground. 
Heels should be lifted up and toes maintain contact with floor. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Exercise should be performed at a
quick pace.  Continuous movement should
be stressed.  Music can be used as



Exercise Name

Leg/Knee Lift Warm Up

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin by standing
with feet hip width apart and arms out to side.  Knees are bent up in front with opposite
elbow touching knee, side knee lifts with same elbow reaching down to touch
knee, and heels up in back and opposite hand touching foot in back. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
knee lifting as high as possible but not touching elbow, or on a chair and
touching elbow.  Heel back cannot be
performed on chair. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Warm up can be performed with
music-change pace and intensity to keep exercise exciting. 



Exercise Name

Marching Warm Up

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants are instructed in
marching.  Commands should be
given.  Left flank/right flank, to the
rear march, counter left/right, solo circle left/right, etc. are commands
that can be given.  

Exercise Variation

Marching can be performed in pairs
and without comands-just marching around gym.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Give commands on proper foot and
call cadence to ensure participants on same foot. 




Exercise Name

Thera-band Step

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin by sitting on a
chair.  Thera-band is looped around
ankles.  With knees bent lift leg up
straight.  Also bring legs apart and
back together with legs bent as well as straight. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
thera-band around thighs as well-either below or above knees. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Exercise should be performed at a
quick pace.  Continuous movement should
be stressed.  Music can be used as



Exercise Name

Scooter/Chair Walks

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit on scooter or
rollable chair.  Extend one knee
straight and place foot on floor in front, bend knee to bring scooter/chair
and body forward to meet foot.  Repeat
on opposite leg.  Continue switching

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
both feet at same time.  Can also put
just the heel on the floor-not entire foot. 
Can also go side to side. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants must hold onto chair
to prevent falling.  Simultaneous movement
is a must for this exercise.



Exercise Name

Ball Jumping Jacks

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin sitting on
stability ball-knees together and bent at 90 degrees and arms bend at
sides.  Slightly jump to extend legs
and get heels out in front on floor and arms up and outward.  Then bring back to rest position.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with one
leg at a time and arms straight out to side for stability.  Can also have a ball stabilizer underneath
to prevent ball from rolling.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Movements should be slow and
controlled.  The more muscles that are
fired equals more stability.



Exercise Name

Dribbling with Stability Ball

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Using the stability ball,
“dribble” by using the arm muscles to drive the ball towards the
ground.  Incorporate a stepping rhythm
and do several repetitions with single arm dribbles and then alternating

Exercise Variation

Holding the ball with both hands,
use the arm muscles to drive the ball into the ground repeatedly while
dribbling with both hands.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not just use the rebound of the
ball and “smack” it back to the ground, but really focus on using
the arm muscles.




Exercise Name

Lat Pulls with Thera-band

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Hold one end of the band in each
hand.  Start with band over head, arms
shoulder-width apart. Lower arms to outside front at chest height, with
slight bend in elbow (as if pulling down a lat bar).  Raise arms up overhead and repeat to back
of neck.

Exercise Variation

Begin with band over head and
lower arms to front, then back up. 
Then instead of going to back of neck, keep elbows straight and lower
arms to sides, then return upward.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on using the muscles of the
upper back to perform this exercise, not just the arms.



Exercise Name

Over Under Handoffs

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

In a line or as a group in a
circle, use one weight and hand off with an over under pattern.

Exercise Variation

Be sure to change directions so
that all participants pass both over and under.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Emphasize going through the full
range of motion for the handoffs.



Exercise Name

V Step

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Start behind stepper, feet
together.  Step up onto stepper with
right foot, placing foot near right edge of step.  Step left foor onto stepper near left edge.  Step right foot backwards onto floor and
step close with left foot.  Repeat and
alternate starting leg.

Exercise Variation

Can perform basic step, do not put
feet to outside of stepper, just step up directly to the front so that when
both feet are on the stepper, they are in normal stance.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Begin slowly to become familiar
with steps and then increase speed and step height.  Can also use arm movements in sync with




Exercise Name

Sidesteps with Arms

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Repeated Step Out & Close
maneuver combined with arm movements. 
Holding the ball in both hands begin with arms extended out forward,
shoulder height.  Step left foot out
and twist arms so ball is on right side. Step close and bring arms
forward.  Repeat to right side.  Then perform two steps raising ball over
head and back down.

Exercise Variation

Keep the same pace but do not
perform the steps, only do the arm motions. 
Try not to rotate the hips.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep a steady rhythm combining the
steps and arm lifts.