Meeting called to order at 1:15 p.m. by National Director of Men, Br. Chuck Kalat, and National Director of Women, Sis. Barb Barnes.
Pledge to the flag was given.

A moment of silence was observed in memory of past Sokol members.

Sis. Mary Cushing on behalf of the Northeastern District welcomed all District Directors, American Sokol Board of Instructor members and guests.

Br. C. Kalat introduced Br. Larry Laznovsky, President of the American Sokol Organization.

Br. Laznovsky was pleased Directors’ Conferences meeting once a year; spoke about the challenge ahead to improve enrollment and attendance; National Executive Board supports BOI 100%; expressed hope that we will all come up with ideas to increase membership.


Chuck Kalat, KHB/Southern, ASO Men’s Director

Barb Barnes, Stickney/Central, ASO Women’s

Janet Kalat, KHB/Southern, 2nd Asst. Women’s Dir.

Jane Wise, Greater Cleveland/Northeastern, ASO-BOI

Joe Balogh, New York/Eastern, Dir. Eastern District

Rome Milan, Fort Worth/Southern, Dir. South. District

Lori Laznovsky, Southern, Dir. Southern District

Joe Vrzalik, Baltimore/Eastern, ASO-BOI

Ellie Babka, Berwyn-Slavsky/Central ASO-BOI

Howie Wise, Gr. Cleveland/Northeastern, Dir. NE Dist.

Maryann Fiordelis, Detroit/Northeastern, Dir. NE Dist.

EllenJeanne Schnabl, Ber.-Slav./Cent., ASO-BOI

Ed Schnabl, Berwyn-Slavsky/Central, ASO-BOI

Vojmir Benak, South Omaha/Western, ASO-BOI

Sandra Benak, South Omaha/Western, ASO-BOI

Lynda Bazata, Brookfield/Central, Women’s Dist. Dir.

John Bazata, Brookfield/Central, Men’s Dist. Dir.

Bob Kucera, Naperville/Central, 1st Asst. Men’s Dir.

Dorothy Gurreri, Eastern, Women’s Dist. Dir.

Nancy Pajeau, Stickney/Central, 2nd Asst. Wom’s Dir.

Bev Domzalski, Chicagoland/Cent., ASO-BOI rec. sec.

Sash Dumanovic, Tabor/Central District, ASO-BOI

Thomas Pajer, Ber.-Slav./Cent., ASO Youth Dir.

Bryan Pracko, USA Ldg. 306, National Dir. Sokol USA

Barb Kucera, Naperville/Central, ASO-BOI

Patti Vondra, Stickney/Central District, ASO-BOI

Lynn Miller, Pacific Dist., rep. Pac. Dist.
Men’s Dir.

Juanita LoGiudice, Tabor/Cent., ASO-BOI office sec.

Lynn Conrad, Detroit/Northeastern District

Cheri Riddle, Pacific District, Dir. Pacific District

Mary Cushing, Detroit/Northeastern, ASO-BOI

Audrey Benda, Eastern District

Allison Gerber, Western District, Dir. Western District

William Kool, Western District, Dir. Western District

Joe Berka, South Omaha/Western District

MaryEllen Moravec-Newsom, Chgolnd/Cent. District

Bernie Babka, Berwyn-Slavsky/Central District

Donna Sbriglia, New York/Eastern District

Vanessa Belden, New York/Eastern District

Sylvia Laznovsky, ASO Membership Chairman

Larry Laznovsky, ASO President

Each District Director has one vote, 1st and 2nd Assistants each have one vote, National Directors each have a vote. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussions, present opinions and suggestions even though they have no voting power. Motions are restricted to those who have voting rights, but anyone can join in on discussion.

– Copies of National and District Director Reports and Committee Reports were mailed to conferees prior to the Conference for review. Agenda was presented, followed and completed.
Dinner break included fish fry at Sokol Greater Cleveland.
sheet and roster sheet passed around.
New schedule for those attending Director Development Conference beginning Saturday was available on back table.

REVIEW OF SUBMITTED REPORTS – Questions/Comments/Discussions:
2001-2002 Report of the American Sokol Director of Men (written report attached).
Verified address for Sokol BOI website: www.american-sokol.org/boi.
2001-2002 Report of the American Sokol Director of Women (written report attached).
No questions/comments/discussions.

Central District (Written report attached)
– Br. H. Wise commented on Men’s Fitness Challenge at Track and Field Meet; this year Central District also opened a Women’s Fitness Challenge event.
– Sis. J. Kalat questioned rhythmic routines; competitors can do one event or two; Central District is teaching new routines this year.
– Br. J. Bazata elaborated on questions regarding Sokol Ceska Sin’s Old Man’s Cave (name of cave) hike; Sokol Naperville’s Criss Cross Gymnastic Competition, girls do two boy’s events, boys do two girls events; and Adult Activities held once a month at a Central District gym.
– Favorable comments were made about units within Central District joining together for volleyball, i.e. Brooklandville (junior girls from Sokols Brookfield, Chicagoland and Naperville) to make one team to compete against other Central District units. Also, videotape is available of the Central District Special Number competition.
– Gymnastic competitions for children include three age group sessions.
– Marching competition for 1st class boys is basic marching commands; 2nd class added more commands; and juniors and men also march with a few more commands added.
– Slet Day/Picnic format includes rehearsal in morning, then everyone stays at picnic grove for food and games before actual Slet program starts. Events include races; physical skills challenge; games of volleyball, horseshoes and softball are offered; tug-of-war is part of program. After program American Concertina Association performed for listening and dancing.
– Due to changing neighborhood and cultures many members did not want to march in Houby Day Parade; however, Sokol Berwyn-Slavsky still participates.
Eastern District (Written report attached)
Sis. D. Gurreri elaborated on reported activities.
Northeastern District (Written report attached)
Br. H. Wise elaborated on reported activities. Talked about USAG competitions and competitions with Swiss Turners; rock climbing activities.
Pacific District (Written report attached)
Sis. L. Miller and Sis. C. Riddle elaborated on reported activities.
Southern District (Written report attached)
Br. R. Milan and Sis. L. Laznovsky elaborated on reported activities. Sis. Laznovsky explained the Sokol West Golden League competition; Friday Fun Nights and the lock-ins.
Western District (Written report attached)
Sis. A. Gerber and Br. W. Kool elaborated on reported activities. Br. Kool reported on other activities not included in written report, i.e. special number competition.

Report submitted by Br. C. Kalat, editor, “Directors’ Newsletter.” Br. B. Benak presented check from Sokol South Omaha donating $300 to Directors’ Newsletter to keep newsletter going; Sokol South Omaha has donated money to the publication since its inception.

Br. S. Dumanovic submitted report. Br. Dumanovic is stepping down as editor; Sis. Kandi Ondrovic was welcomed as new editor.
– Discussion followed regarding Br. Dumanovic’s report, particularly the problem with the quality of the final publication. This matter is being discussed with the ASO Executive Board. Br. Dumanovic made recommendations for changes to the publication which are included in his report.
MOTION made by Br. R. Milan that the BOI support Br. S. Dumanovic’s recommendation nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 in his written report, seconded by Sis. M. Fiordelis and passed.
MOTION made by Br. R. Milan to provide $800 to purchase appropriate software to support the editor of the Gymnast publication, seconded by Sis. L. Laznovsky and passed.

SOKOL USA NATIONAL TECHNICAL MEETING – 8/3-4/02 – Atlantic City, NJ (Written report attached)
Report submitted by Sis. B. Vondra.
– Br. Pracko elaborated on written report. Vaulting table will be available as an option at the Valparaiso Slet.
– Br. Pracko explained YES (Youth Energizing Sokol) program; youth got together and presented several ideas they would like to see happen with Sokol, i.e. recommendations for newspaper, how to incorporate more sports into program, how to get more young people involved.
– Sokol USA is interested in working with ASO and DA Sokol for an instructor’s school; possibly a combined Slet.

USA GYMNASTICS 2002 NATIONAL CONGRESS – 8/8-10/02 – Cleveland, OH (Written report attached)
Report submitted by Br. C. Kalat. Br. H. Wise praised the National Congress; very informative and useful information collected. Encourages Districts to attend next year’s Congress in Anaheim, CA.

2002 NATIONAL YOUTH CAMP REPORT (Written report attached)
Report submitted by Sis. L. Laznovsky, camp director. Br. Kalat congratulated Sis. Laznovsky on a job well done.

YOUTH MEMBERSHIP (Written report attached)
Br. T. Pajer submitted Annual Report.
– Br. Pajer showed disappointment in youth participation in activities offered by the youth program. There are many activities offered and many wonderful prizes offered, but not enough participation.
– Br. Pajer discussed disk that went out for this year’s membership submittals. Encouraged all directors to make sure membership disks be turned in as early as possible so youth can receive current publications. Some districts are having problems opening the program on their computers. Suggestion was made to use library computers to put information on disk.

BOI SALES REPORT – 9/2001-8/2002 (Written report attached)
No comments.

ANNUAL ATTENDANCE REPORT – 9/2001-6/2002 (Written report attached)
Submitted by Sis. M. Fiordelis.
Suggestion was made that BOI go to Board of Governors to tell District Presidents that their District Directors are having trouble getting attendance out; it’s not the Directors fault, but the Unit’s fault. All Units know they have to turn in attendance; and it needs to be done. These Units need to know that the new supply of uniforms were ordered according to the statistics provided by Sis. Fiordelis; if there is a shortage of uniforms, it will be because accurate attendance numbers were not turned in.
Br. Kalat commended Sis. Fiordelis for her report.

BOI BUDGET TRACK (Written report attached)
Br. C. Kalat submitted report.

MERIT AWARD COMMITTEE REPORT (Written report attached)
– Sis. J. Kalat noted that there was no applicant or parent signature line provided on application; that was corrected; sample application attached.
– It was noted that getting official transcripts is getting to be difficult for students to do; suggested report cards be acceptable rather than transcripts. Requirement of merit award recipients is that they finish the year of school, and we are not concerned with the grades they received.
MOTION made by Br. H. Wise to accept report cards or transcripts for a full year from the merit award recipients as proof of attendance, seconded by Br. J. Bazata and passed.

Br. B. Benak submitted written report.
– Br. Benak thanked districts for sending students to school. This past school was one of the best groups of interested students.
– This is the first year a formal curriculum was used for the Advanced II students.
Applauds given for job done by Br. Benak and Sis. L. Laznovsky for the 2002 Instructor’s School.
– Bids are being accepted for 2004 National School; bid forms were passed out.

Report submitted by Sis. M. Cushing.

At this time, a 15-minute break was taken.
Meeting resumed at 3:20 p.m.

NEW UNIFORMS REPORT (Written report attached)
Sis. J. Vondrasek submitted written report. Descriptions, price lists and order forms are attached.
– Units hand out individual order forms. Units turn in a unit order; will not accept individual orders; shipping is included in the costs.
– ASO has placed first order; shipment due in December, 2002.
– Uniforms will be received at the National Office and distributed to Units from there. Next year, they may be shipped directly from the manufacturer; in this case, the National Office would not stock uniforms in large quantities. Office will stock shoes.
– Sis. B. Vondra commended committee for all their hard work on this project.
– There are some old uniforms still available for sale; seconds/damaged old uniforms were available for sale at this conference.
– Prototypes of uniforms were passed around; it was noted that the blue color will be lighter than what was viewed at this time.
– A few discrepancies were noted on order forms, i.e. type of socks and kind of shoes; socks should be ankle socks; shoes will be solid white gym shoes; it was suggested that purchasers be aware of washing instructions.
– It was noted that Sokol USA adopted our uniforms as their uniform; will be used at Valparaiso Slet.
Competition Uniform
– Discussion took place regarding competition uniforms.
Motion made by Br. R. Milan that competition uniform be changed to red, white or blue as dominant color, no second, motion failed.
– Tournament rules state, for male competitors, any red, white or blue combination gymnastic jersey; can wear old men’s pants.
– Girls can replace uniform with any leotard in red, white and/or blue combination; no stipulation about sleeveless, short sleeve or long sleeve, so can be any one.
– Unitards are acceptable for rhythmics in red, white and/or blue combination, but no French cut.

2003 SOKOL USA SOKOLFEST – Valparaiso, IN
– Slet manuals have gone out. Br. Pracko passed out CDS with corrected rhythmic music.
– Changes have been made to 1st and 2nd class boys routines; new routines were given out. For boys, there will be a low division, intermediate division and high division (which is equivalent to Class 7) and there is a championship division (Class 6).
– Also handed out corrections for junior/senior calisthenics. Packet was given out for women’s corrections. Championship rhythmic guidelines are included. Missing page for Level 4 bar routine is also included. Also, minor manual corrections and clarifications to rules and routines. Some manuals have last 3 pages of Sokolette calisthenics missing; those will be forthcoming.
– Br. Pracko visited Valparaiso University in June; viewed campus and athletic facility; everything is within a one-mile radius and all on the same side of U.S. 30. Encouraging juniors to stay on campus in dorm rooms; two per room; bathroom in hall. Meal plan will be available. Prices are not yet finalized; will be coming out in a couple of weeks. Need an estimate of people staying at dorms. Survey will go out at beginning of 2003. Basketball gym large enough for three volleyball courts; spectator viewing available. Slet field is next to athletic facility.
– Headquarters is Courtyard Marriott. Fairfield Inn is right next door. One mile away is Holiday Inn. Sheraton Inn about 2-3 miles away. Hampton Inn is already booked.
– Awards will be held at a banquet facility and 4th of July activities will be held at the high school; transportation will be necessary for these events.
– Sokolettes and Sokolads will be judged by Sokol judges.
– Unknown if linens will be available in dorm rooms, but most likely they will.
– Entry forms will be distributed later in the Sokol season. Entry fees are as follows: individual gymnastics and rhythmics, and includes opening ceremony, competitor social and victory dance, $50; gymnastic team, $15; volleyball team $50; basketball team $15; individual swimming, $5; fitness challenge, $5. There will be a fun run/walk and not sure if there will be a charge. There will be no calisthenics competition.
Guideline Proposal for Sokol Routines (written proposal attached)
– Sis. M. Fiordelis presented these guidelines out of concern for girls who are learning Level 3 skills and want to compete at Valparaiso where they have to either go down to Level 2 or advance to Level 4, which they may not be ready for.
– Districts were polled to see if they use all levels of competition routines and if they modify routines; districts do modify some routines and not all levels are competed. Some find it difficult to change from USAG routines to modified routines for Sokol competitions.
– Suggestion was made to get Sokol USA and ASO together to make routines consistent from lower levels to higher levels between two organizations.
American Sokol Special Number – One CD and text were given to each District representative. Uniform recommended for special number would be blue Sokol shorts with white t-shirts and Sokol logo in blue for middle age group and blue t-shirts with logo in white for young and senior age group. The number is about five minutes long.
MOTION made by Sis. M. Fiordelis to go with uniform recommendation for special number – regular blue shorts, white t-shirts with blue logo and blue t-shirts with white logo, seconded by Br. B. Kucera and passed.

– Br. Jerry Milan is in the process of soliciting funds to have this as a paid position. The combined BOI/Executive Board Committee still needs to meet to further discuss this program. Committee consists of Sis. L. Laznovsky, Br. T. Pajer, Sis. B. Vondra, Br. S. Dumanovic, Br. J. Milan and Sis. M. Steinman. Committee will make proposals for what this position should consist of. No further report available at this time.

At 5:10 p.m., dinner break was taken.
Meeting resumed at 6:35 p.m.


Chuck Kalat, KHB/Southern, ASO Men’s Director

Barb Barnes, Stickney/Central, ASO Women’s

Janet Kalat, KHB/Southern, 2nd Asst. Women’s Dir.

Jane Wise, Greater Cleveland/Northeastern, ASO-BOI

Joe Balogh, New York/Eastern, Dir. Eastern District

Rome Milan, Fort Worth/Southern, Dir. South. District

Lori Laznovsky, Southern, Dir. Southern District

Joe Vrzalik, Baltimore/Eastern, ASO-BOI

Ellie Babka, Berwyn-Slavsky/Central, ASO-BOI

Howie Wise, Gr. Cleveland/Northeastern, Dir. NE Dist.

Maryann Fiordelis, Detroit/Northeastern, Dir. NE Dist.

EllenJeanne Schnabl, Ber.-Slavsky/Cent., ASO-BOI

Ed Schnabl, Berwyn-Slavsky/Central, ASO-BOI

Vojmir Benak, South Omaha/Western, ASO-BOI

Sandra Benak, South Omaha/Western, ASO-BOI

Lynda Bazata, Brookfield/Central, Women’s Dist. Dir.

John Bazata, Brookfield/Central, Men’s Dist. Dir.


Bob Kucera, Naperville/Central, 1st Asst. Men’s Dir.

Dorothy Gurreri, Eastern, Women’s Dist. Dir.

Nancy Pajeau, Stickney/Central, 2nd Asst. Wom’s Dir.

Bev Domzalski, Chicagoland/Cent., ASO-BOI rec. sec. Br. Thomas Pajer,
Ber.-Slav./Cent., ASO Youth Dir.

Barb Kucera, Naperville/Central, ASO-BOI

Patti Vondra, Stickney/Central District, ASO-BOI

Lynn Miller, Pacific Dist., rep. Pac. Dist.
Men’s Dir.

Juanita LoGiudice, Tabor/Cent., ASO-BOI office sec.

Lynn Conrad, Detroit/Northeastern District

Cheri Riddle, Pacific District, Dir. Pacific District

Mary Cushing, Detroit/Northeastern, ASO-BOI

Allen Cushing, Detroit/Northeastern District

Allison Gerber, Western District, Dir. Western District

William Kool, Western District, Dir. Western District

Joe Berka, South Omaha/Western District

Bernie Babka, Berwyn-Slavsky/Central District


– Br. B. Kucera reported that skill cards were mailed out; for additional cards, District Director should be contacted first, then the National Office; cards can also be found on the website.
– Br. Kalat encouraged districts to put this program to use and to specifically do it during the month of December.
– Skills will be reviewed sometime within the next year and possibly changed or updated.

– Br. T. Pajer reviewed District youth ambassadors: Central – Jay Vondra; Eastern – Joe Balogh; Northeastern- none; Western – Bud Benak; Southern – Stephanie Buya; and Pacific – Lynn Miller.
– Br. Pajer continued reporting on Youth Member activities as included in the Youth Committee written report; elaborated on upcoming activities and contests for the youth members.
– Br. Pajer will discuss turnover rate of kids in Sokol program sometime during the Development Conference this weekend.

Unit/District Director Handbooks

– Handbooks were distributed to all district directors and unit directors last year; new directors need to get that handed down to them from the previous district director. Updates will be sent out to district directors and unit directors.
– Sis. B. Vondra asked for comments/criticisms on handbooks. Whatever is included in the handbook should be available on the computer.
– Sis. Kalat compiled lists of past diretors for each unit based on the purchase records for directors pins; trying to build a complete list, updated for the office. Copies will be distributed to unit and district directors to try to fill in the missing information.
– The latest issue of the Sokol Instructor Digest Volume IV was distributed; each District Director gets the Volume free; it is available for purchase by anyone else for $10.

Director Development Conference
– Conference begins tomorrow morning with registration at 8:15 a.m.; hotel will be serving breakfast beginning at 7:00 a.m. Everyone will receive a goody-bag full of catalogs from gymnastic wear and equipment manufacturers and other miscellaneous items. Two sessions will be going on at the same time, most of the time.
– It was noted that the development conference should be referred to as a workshop, with the conference being this actual meeting.

– Br. B. Benak reported in Corpus Christi there were 21 beginner, 14 intermediate, 7 advanced, and 7 advanced II students. All students worked well together; tremendous amount of interest in the course material; raised many questions. This was the first time there has been an advanced II curriculum. Advanced II class consists of students who come back for a fourth year.

– Br. Benak reported that the 2003 school will be held at Sokol Greater Cleveland, 7/21/03 to 8/4/03; Sis. J. Wise will be the school secretary. Looking for volunteers to be on teaching staff. School board will publish in Directors Newsletter and ASO Magazine the requirements and application form for Instructors In Training; it has been a number of years since there have been Instructors in Training. Would like to develop a number of people to be instructors; applications will be available at National Office.

– Sis. L. Laznovsky reported that planning had not yet begun in earnest at this time for 2003 Camp. Requested directors to encourage juniors to attend camp. Date and location will be determined sometime soon; suggestion was made to possibly move camp to another area in the country; if anyone has any ideas, they should submit them to Sis. Laznovsky. One of the most popular activities at camp is rafting. Other activities were games, campfire singing, hiking, waterslide, etc. Five ASO districts were represented at the camp this year.

Early Planning
– Sis. B. Kucera, newly elected Central District President, reported that on 10/30/02 a meeting is set to begin planning for Slet. Will have access to Slet book put together by Sis. M. Fiordelis for planning.

Championship Competition Recommendations
– Br. B. Kucera headed committee of Br. C. Kalat, Br. R. Vachata, Br. H. Wise, Br. B. Benak and Br. R. Milan to discuss championship competition recommendations; they began concentrating on championship levels and evaluating Class 8 and Class 9 routines. The committee recommended that junior boys and men’s championship division consist of Class 4, Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1 gymnasts and that they be judged in accordance with the requirements of USAG. Committee would like to see class 8 and class 9 implemented as routines for 2005 Slet; would also like to see ASO go with USAG routines starting with Class 7.
MOTION made by Br. B. Benak to recommend that we follow committee’s suggestion that Class 4, Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1 be offered for optional Jr. Boys and Men’s competition and that they be judged by the rules of the level they are competing in, seconded by Br. R. Milan and passed.
– The vaulting table is becoming more popular; committee feels we need to make it available as an option at Slet. During this Development Conference, there will be a session on spotting and progressions which will touch on the new vaulting table.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to table the discussion regarding the use of the new vaulting table at the 2005 Slet, passed.
– If anyone is interested in being on this committee to further discuss competition routines on men’s side, contact Br. C. Kalat.

Sis. J. Burns headed committee of Sis. D. Gurreri, Sis. S. Benak, Sis. B. Vondra and Sis. K. Domzalski. Committee’s recommendations offer four levels of championship, Levels 7-10. Committee further proposes there would be no age division within levels, just the usual junior and senior categories; if competitor competes at this level they should be comfortable with competing against anyone no matter what age.
MOTION made by Sis. M. Fiordelis to accept the women’s recommendations as stated, seconded by Sis. L. Laznovsky and passed.

Calisthenics Committee Report
– Sis. B. Vondra reported that this committee met prior to the Summer, 2002; a letter was sent to people who volunteered and to people the committee felt could write cals for 2005, along with cal guidelines. As of 10/1/02, they were to submit music and an outline of their calisthenics drill. To date, BOI is in receipt of 1 entry for Tots; 3 entries for children’s; 2 entries for juniors; 1 entry for seniors; and 1 entry for juniors/seniors; at this time, there is a delay in receiving a Senior II category drill and no music has been reviewed. By 11/1/02, each category author will receive a critique of their submissions. The next deadline is 2/1/03 when a video prepared of their drill should be turned in. It was noted that requests for Cal submissions were announced in the Director’s Newsletter.
Other Questions/Problems/Concerns
Sis. B. Vondra noted that there will be a session on Sunday on how to improve Slet; will be looking for innovative ideas.

SOKOL AWARDS PROGRAM (Proposal attached)
– Br. C. Kalat distributed a proposal sent by Br. J. Milan which included recommendations and ideas; question was asked if we should pursue this program.
MOTION made by Br. R. Milan to continue to pursue the Sokol Awards Program, seconded by Br. B. Kool and passed.

– Sis. B. Vondra sent to district directors in May, 2002, information on doing a walking challenge; walk 125 miles in 4 months, 2-1/2 miles a day, and added on a fundraiser to solicit people to pledge your walk and 25% of money collected would go to ASO and unit would get 75%; walking logs were provided and essays on benefits of walk were required. In the end, 15 people turned in logs and essays, which were sent to Washington and are now awaiting President’s Fitness Certificates. People from each district participated in challenge and money was turned in. Question was asked if we should participate in this program next year.
MOTION made by Sis. C. Riddle to continue with walking challenge program for next year, seconded by Sis. D. Gurreri and passed.

– Director’s Newsletter published request for units to submit activities they were planning: Sokol Tabor held 2nd Annual Open House, various activities and games were planned, about 40 people attended and registration information was available. Sokol Stickney held a pre-registration at a park in Stickney with various activities offered, pictures were taken, registered about 25 gymnasts. Director’s Newsletter offered a prize to best activities submitted; these were the only two submissions; they each received $100 credit on any ASO merchandise purchased other than uniforms.
– Br. Kalat asked for anyone from the floor to report on Gymnastics Day activities: Sokol Ft. Worth had crafts tables set up, music entertainment and exhibitions. Sokol Naperville held its registration, staff worked with students on equipment.
– Br. S. Dumanovic is requesting a short description be submitted on activities held on National Gymnastics Day so he can submit them to USAG.

– Br. T. Pajer suggested e-mailing minutes of meetings rather than mail them. They can either be downloaded or a link would be set up to American Sokol website where minutes are posted.
– Br. B. Kool reported on website he has on internet intended to keep people who attended Instructors course and became friends to keep in touch and talk about Sokol activities and fun at course. There is a history section, pictures, comments, and places where stories can be submitted. Br. Kool added a disclaimer since some comments made have been questionable. This site has been running for a month now; it’s already had over 400 visitors. The site is at www.sokolschool.com.
– Br. T. Pajer commented on linking this site to the American Sokol site; due to questionable content he is not sure if he should link to that site. Br. Kool does have a disclaimer where he reserves the right to not list some things on his site.
– Comments were made that the site itself was very impressive, however, as an officer in Sokol Br. Kool may jeopardize his position by including objectionable material on that site. Some parents/units may not choose to send their children to a course if they read about pranks and questionable occurrences going on at course.
– Br. T. Pajer requested people to turn in items to be put on website; i.e. current entry forms, rules and applications, etc. Br. Pajer also talked about having a digital camera to be used in conjunction with the website by posting pictures and complete routines.

– Typically, a conference is not held the year before a convention; next convention would be 2005. Question asked if we should have a conference in 2003.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to hold a Director’s Conference in 2003, seconded by Sis. M. Fiordelis and passed.
– Will schedule the next conference for the third weekend of October, 2003.

None reported.

– Br. J. Vrzalik reported on the dedication of the Masaryk statue in Washington, D.C.; Czech President Havel, Madeline Albright and other officials were present. At the World Bank reception, the same officials were present, along with Czech singers, Czech dancers from Minnesota; this lasted about 4 hours; Sokol was well represented by many different Districts.
– Br. E. Schnabl asked if he should continue to complete Senior II cal he and Sis. Schnabl were working on; this category has been opened to other submittals, the deadline is 2/1/03 and theirs will still be accepted.
– Sis. E. Babka informed everyone that the Chicago newspapers have been given the Sokol logo for use in obituaries of Sokol members who pass away.
– Sis. L. Laznovsky announced she has brochures available regarding Gymnastrada which will be held in Portugal.
– Br. B. Kool suggested keeping track of Sokol instructors at the National Office.
MOTION made by Br. B. Kool that National BOI keeps a record of all instructors in Sokol, seconded by Br. T. Pajer and passed.
– Discussion held on computer class management program and lesson plans utilized in class.
– Br. J. Vrzalik presented an article from a newspaper about some new programs/ideas at private clubs that are very popular, i.e. urban funk which is a combination of aerobics/dances; belly dancing; rock climbing walls; modern/pre-marital dance classes. Suggested doing this sort of thing other than just gymnastics.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Beverly R. Domzalski, Recording Secretary