Meeting called to order at 1:10 p.m. by National Director of Men, Br. Chuck Kalat, and National Director of Women, Sis. Barb Vondra.
Pledge to the flag was given.
A moment of silence was observed in memory of past Sokol members.
PRESENT (Afternoon Session):
REPRESENTATIVES: Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Br. |
GUESTS: Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Br. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. |
Each District Director has one vote, 1st and 2nd Assistants each have one vote, National Directors each have a vote. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussions, present opinions and suggestions even though they have no voting power. Motions are restricted to those who have voting rights, but anyone can join in on discussion.
– Copies of National and District Director Reports and Committee Reports were mailed to conferees prior to the Conference for review. Agenda was presented, followed and completed.
Dinner break took place at Old Country Buffet. Following dinner, everyone changed into uniforms to take a picture. Sign-in sheet and roster sheet passed around.
NEW UNIFORMS (Taken out of agenda order)
Written report submitted by Sis. Jean Hruby.
– Sis. Hruby made note that beginning 10/17/2003, contrary to original plans, the American Sokol office will keep a stock of every size of every uniform; custom orders can be made, however, it will take 10-12 weeks for that order.
– Sis. Hruby introduced Claude Latendresse from CL Activewear, who was present at this meeting for the purpose of answering questions about CL Activewear and our uniform order. Claude thanked our organization for their business; he assured everyone that a uniform item will be replaced if any seams come apart.
– ASO will attempt to adapt our sizes to the sizes CL Activewear places on their clothing and label accordingly.
REVIEW OF SUBMITTED REPORTS – Questions/Comments/Discussions:
2002-2003 Report of the American Sokol Director of Men (written report submitted).
– Br. Kalat noted that AAHPERD stands for American Association of Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance; ASO BOI Directors are members of that Organization. Budget currently allocates money for the National Directors to go to the USAG Coach’s Congress every year; in 2004, the Directors are considering attending the AAHPERD convention or other development conference.
MOTION made by Sis. L. Laznovsky that National Directors be able to choose which development conference to attend annually, seconded by Br. R. Milan and passed.
– Br. R. Milan discussed judging organizations that hold workshops. Central District holds a judging clinic that is like a refresher course for volunteer judges; no testing is involved and a card or certificate of achievement is not given out. It was noted that Central District allowed shadow judges at the little girls’ competition, who judged along with trained judges.
– Currently, there is no specific activity addressing a traveling instructor. The committee originally formed to address this subject has evolved into Strategic Planning Committee with Br. Joe Vrzalik as chairman, Br. T. Pajer, Sis. B. Vondra, Sis. L. Laznovsky, Br. S. Dumanovic, Br. J. Milan, Sis. M. Steinman and Br. A. Cushing.
– Martial Arts proposal was questioned; ASO was not interested in getting involved with that proposal.
– It was noted that the Youth Committee is struggling with getting units to encourage youth to participate with tha committee’s activities.
– The 16-24 Year Old Project is a new thing started this year. District coordinators are Kevin Fitzpatrick, from Sokol Greater Cleveland, who covers the Northeastern and Eastern District, Michael Wise, from Sokol Greater Cleveland, covers the Northeastern and Southern District, Mike Dropka, from Sokol Berwyn-Slavsky, covers the Central and Pacific Districts and Carrisa Skrivanec from Sokol Minnesota covers the Western District.
– The Sokol Youth Camp only had 29 youth campers; 20 were from American Sokol; we need to find ways to promote this program for participation to increase. Br. T. Pajer will look into preparing an audio/visual presentation.
2002-2003 Report of the American Sokol Director of Women (written report submitted).
No questions/comments/discussions.
Central District (Written report submitted)
Br. J. Bazata elaborated on reported activities.
– Rhythmics program was discussed.
– Volleyball tournament in St. Louis was discussed.
– Sokol Stickney’s Bring a Parent to Class Night involved having the parent and child do what the children do in class, i.e. parachute games, relay races; this was done with the Tots class and 1st class girls during their regular class time.
– Sokol Tabor’s Girls Big Sister/Little Sister Program begins in November when an older junior girl is assigned a new junior girl; they hold an initiation, i.e. wrapping younger girl in toilet paper, burn-out activities, etc.
– Sokol Brookfield held a whirly-ball outing, which is played at a facility with bumper cars, a whiffle ball and paddle; the ball is hit into the goal for points; there are 5 cars per team; two teams; you play for 1-2 hours.
– Track and Field Meet added junior/senior co-ed fitness challenge, which was done without any prior preparation; sign-up on the day of the event; 3 events were competed: standing long jump, shuttle run and 8-pound medicine ball throw; everyone enjoyed event and will continue it in the future.
– Skills program offers a gymnastic meet for boys and men who have reached their ability level on skill cards; this meet takes place on skills day in December, prior to skills evaluation.
– Adult activities for men allow men in District to actively participate in activities with other adults when there are so few adult men in each individual unit.
– New Central District parade format has different age groups performing different activities during parade, rather than just straight marching.
– Suggested these new ideas be submitted to the Directors Newsletter.
Eastern District (Written report submitted)
No questions/comments/discussions.
Northeastern District (Written report submitted)
Br. H. Wise elaborated on reported activities.
Pacific District (Written report submitted)
Br. R. Miller elaborated on reported activities.
Southern District (Written report submitted)
Br. R. Milan and Sis. L. Laznovsky elaborated on reported activities.
Western District (Written report submitted)
Br. W. Kool elaborated on reported activities. Br. Kool explained Knowledge and History Night consists of his mom bringing pictures and talking about local Sokol history in a lecture-type manner.
At this time, a 10-minute break was taken.
USA Gymnastics 2003 National Coaches Congress, August 21-23, 2003, Anaheim, CA (written report submitted)
– Sis. B. Vondra noted that the backside of the written report showed the 2005-2013 USAG Women’s Routines, plus changes/modifications.
2003 National Sokol Camp Report (written report submitted)
– Br. T. Pajer noted that one camper commented that the same activities take place at camp every year and saw no point in attending again; Br. Pajer noted that the activities were different from the year before, but basically the same games are usually played.
Attendance (written report submitted)
– It was noted that one of the problems with attendance is how difficult it is to compare year to year attendance, because we are not very consistent in accumulating attendance; numbers appear to be going down; discussed eliminating attendance reports; in the end, the consensus was that reports are necessary and will continue submitting them at this time.
2002 Skills Month Report (written report submitted)
– Br. B. Kucera noted that theTots’ skill cards were not revised this year as stated in his written report; they will be revised next year.
American Sokol School Board Report 2003 (written report submitted)
No questions/comments/discussions.
Merit Award Committee Report (written report submitted)
No questions/comments/discussions.
2002-2003 Report of the Editor of the Director’s Newsletter (written report submitted)
– Br. Benak presented the annual donation of $300 on behalf of Sokol South Omaha BOI toward the publication of the Director’s Newsletter.
American Sokol Gymnast (written report submitted)
No questions/comments/discussions.
BOI Sales Report (written report submitted)
No questions/comments/discussions.
SOKOL USA NATIONAL TECHNICAL MEETING – 9/13/03 (written report submitted by Sis. Gurreri)
– Br. Lance Kovac from Sokol USA gave an oral report on meeting.
– Sis. B. Vondra praised Sokol USA for the Valparaiso Slet and how well it was organized. Br. Kovac explained the YES Group, for the benefit of our 16-24 Project Group; questions were asked about what involvement the YES Group had in the Valparaiso Slet; also, about their Instructor’s Course.
– Br. B. Benak reported that the School Board met on the morning of 10/17/03 for approximately 3 hours.
– Discussed Instructors’ School report; any unit director that had a student at the school should have received this report.
– Reviewed the financial statement of the school; there were several areas where there was an increase in spending on a yearly basis. The amount returned to ASO after this last course was $138.00; which is the smallest amount ever returned. The School Board, after looking into Future Sokol Leader’s Fund, which now contributes $3,000 a year toward the National School, asks to increase annual allocation to $5,000. If that happens, the enrollment fee per student would not have to be increased; would like to keep fee at $235.00 for the two-week course.
– General knowledge test is an old test that has been used for quite a while; everyone at the school was required to take this test. The old test has been revised; there are now three tests, beginners start with 50 questions; intermediate 75 questions; and advanced now have 100 questions.
– For the calisthenics class, students needed more help in selecting appropriate music for certain levels. Most attempted to write children’s cals and music was not easy for children to follow. This year instructors’ brought additional CDs to be used as their selection for cal.
– Discussed Tots class materials; although Tots appropriate material is presented in almost all class areas, it was never emphasized what can be specifically done for Tots.
– Another class discussed was flag protocol; flags are not always carried or displayed properly; also taught proper way to fold a flag and where flag should be placed during an exhibition; secured a pamphlet from the government and every student received one.
– New this year were study guides prepared by Sis. Jane Wise for the evening hours; not sure if school will continue with study guides; discussed solutions on how to use those study guides in a useful way and will continue to use them.
– Discussed instructors-in-training; there were 3 at this last course; question was raised as to how many times a person can be an instructor-in-training. In the future, anyone coming for a second year as an instructor-in-training, will be called an assistant instructor.
– Upcoming Instructor’s School will be July 19 to August 2, 2004, at Sokol South Omaha. Information will be placed in Director’s Newsletter and ASO Magazine Gymnast section; will be out in the January/February issues.
– Sis. J. Kalat worked on a project to find out where instructor school students are right now and what they are doing and if they are still helping in their units. Sis. Kalat went as far back as 1990; there were 308 students over that time; questionnaires were sent to those students; received 56 back and 34 others were returned for being unable to be forwarded. From the responses, 47 (84%) were still Sokol members; currently teaching, 28 (47%); who have taught in Sokol following course attendance, 44 (79%); have used their Sokol training outside of Sokol, 45 (80%). Most comments were interesting and positive. Sis. Kalat’s survey will be summarized and published in the “Gymnast.”
– Br. Benak discussed upgrading guidelines for Instructor Schools; it is always geared toward 2-week summer instructor’s school; most cannot come because they cannot get off work for two weeks. The staff would like to meet during the coming year and try to work on developing weekend schools; looking into types of class settings to use and develop a program; the Board would then be looking for a test District to give this a try. If money is available to do this, the Board would begin working on this program.
MOTION made by Sis. J. Kalat to accept the School Board’s proposal to have a school staff meeting in 2004 to get this concept of weekend Instructor Schools during the year Sokol season approved, seconded by Sis. L. Laznovsky and passed.
MOTION made by Sis. S. Benak to raise the FSLF allocation to the School from $3,000 to $5,000, seconded by Sis. M. Fiordelis and passed.
– Sis. M. Fiordelis attended last instructors school as a student. Read to this group her experiences at the School.
Announcements prior to dinner break:
– Br. P. Lebloch announced that he received a request for a man from Chicago area to be a spokesperson who knows Czech history, who can be available for 15 hours and can earn $2,000.
– Br. J. Vorlicek on behalf of DA Sokol thanked ASO for inviting them; also congratulated Sokol USA on successful Slet.
– Br. G. Masek thanked everyone for being at this conference this weekend. Br. L. Laznovsky could not be present. Thanked BOI for hard work they do.
Break for dinner at 5:00 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT (Evening Session):
REPRESENTATIVES: Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. |
GUESTS: Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. |
YOUTH MEMBERSHIP (written report submitted)
– Br. T. Pajer suggested units get their membership renewal disks in as quickly as possible; new newsletters will go out the beginning of November.
– There were 1,669 youth members for the 2002-2003 season; 839 of them were renewals, which were 29 more new members than the previous year. The only unit that did not participate was Sokol Los Angeles who had 8 members during 2001-2002, but received none this year.
– Br. T. Pajer thanked all youth committee members for their work; Br. Pajer is looking for additional youth committee members.
– Financially, there was an income of $8,314.00; expenses were $8,476.00; right now, there is a balance of over $4,000.00.
– Continued programs are e-mail administration; passport program – Br. Pajer reminded units to encourage their youth to bring their passports to Sokol events; penpal program; kids to college transition program will be pursued with the 16-24 Project Committee; and Sokol Canada Slet plans.
– New program ideas are creating a youth calendar to keep track of youth activities; build-the-best paper airplane contest; favorite cookie recipes; essay contest to create a future Sokol; tell about your spring break; cartoon template with word bubbles to be filled in; scholarships for camp and course; essay contest about favorite person.
– Br. Pajer talked about Youth Issues Committee, which discussed the reasons youth did not come back, i.e. poor instruction; not enough instructors; not enough gymnastics and biggest one was kids got involved in outside activities. The Youth Issues Committee consists of Sash Dumanovic representing public relations, Sylvia Laznovsky for adult membership, Joan Sedlacek for education; Chuck Kalat, Barb Vondra, Maryann Fiordelis, Bob Kucera, Pat Satek, and 16-24 District Coordinators for the BOI; may also include some juniors in the future. Object of this Committee is to take those three problems and find solutions. Started with outside activities problem; two projects are in the works, one is bring a friend week that will be instituted on a National level, and second is monitoring outside activities to find a way to monitor when kids do these outside activities and find a way to keep in touch with them and continue to ask when they are done with outside activity so they can come back and join us and hopefully not lose them for good. A project plan should be in place at the beginning of November, 2003.
– Br. Pajer noted there is still a problem with youth participation in programs; need youth ambassador to push these projects. District and Unit directors should be receiving youth newsletter. The Committee will continue to publish a youth membership page in the Director’s Newsletter and ASO magazine.
– Br. Pajer will have youth yearbook available during this weekend conference.
– Br. Pajer requested that anyone with any youth ideas, please contact Tom Pajer with those ideas.
– There will be a session during the conference presented by the 16-24 Project Coordinators. This project started at last year’s conference when it was noticed that there were a lot of 16-24 year olds in the Cleveland area and a lot came in from other parts of country to participate in the conference. Time was set aside then to talk with them to gather from them how they felt about Sokol and what could we do to make it better for them and how they see their role in the future and what they would like to do. The main concept was to provide a network, where when the National BOI wanted input from this age group on a subject, we could contact District Coordinators; they all have a list of people of that age group in their District and they would be responsible to contact and solicit those people.
– The Coordinators have a lot of ideas for this age group of members. Coordinators are invited to attend the National BOI meetings every month if they wish by teleconference. Howie and Jane Wise are the adult advisors to this group.
– Br. B. Kucera reported that the boys and girls skill cards were revised. For every unit that turned in attendance to Sis. M. Fiordelis, the unit directors received that number of cards and ribbons. District Directors who turned in attendance also got a package this morning with an extra set of 25 cards and ribbons. There is a small amount of cards and ribbons left over.
– Br. Kucera suggested printing the skill cards on colored paper rather than cardstock, since they are changed as often as they are and to cut down on expenses. Printing and mailing costs were just under $400. Other suggestions were to just have them available on the web site to allow any instructors to print them on their own cardstock or colored paper. Only problem noted was that if it is not handed to the instructor’s, they may not use them.
Unit/District Director Handbooks
– Sis. J. Kalat passed out to all District Directors updates for their handbooks, which include a new roster, coordinator list, and merit award from changes since March. There was a new uniform pricing that went out earlier. Tournament rules update is on the website; there have been no changes since the last conference. New skill cards are also in the handbooks. Unit handbooks will be going out in the mail.
– Sis. J. Kalat requested e-mail addresses for all Unit Directors, if they have one, to notify of updates on the website.
– Sis. Kalat and Sis. LoGiudice are preparing a new handbook for ASO BOI members.
– There is a new issue of the Sokol Instructor’s Digest available this weekend; can be ordered from Sis. LoGiudice for $5.00.
Director Development Conference
– Begins tomorrow; not sure if there will be another conference like this next year due to upcoming convention; open for discussion. Br. Kalat felt next year should be dedicated to the Slet to teach cals and routines.
– There will be questionnaires available at the end of each session; request was made that they be filled out and turned in.
– Sis. B. Vondra stated that Br. Joe Vrzalik has taken over as the head of the committee which began a little over a year ago. No progress has been made with the committee to date. Committee will be meeting in the near future.
– Each District received at least one copy of the Slet Manual; complete information is included; there are no videos to accompany any of the calisthenics, however, Sis. LoGiudice heard that a 2nd CD and a video are to be forthcoming in the next week or two.
– Discussed whether we should consider doing Sokols Whee number in Toronto. Br. Lebloch said Sis. Zitna was very impressed with the number in Valparaiso; she is going to push for using it in Prague in 2006.
MOTION made by Sis. M. Fiordelis that ASO present Sokols Whee as a special number in Toronto, Canada, seconded by Sis. L. Laznovsky. MOTION failed.
– Sis. L. Laznovsky will see if there are any USAG special numbers we can use. By a show of hands, opinion had it that we present a special number other than Sokols Whee at the Toronto, Canada Slet.
– Br. P. Lebloch made note that there will be a Slet in Slovakia in 2006 in the City of Skalica.
– Sis. A. Janous said a delegation to theSokol Canada Slet is coming from Serbia and COS.
– Sis. L. Laznovsky reported that there have been discussions with Sokol St. Louis and continued discussions with the camp in Barryville, NY; there definitely will be a 2004 camp; site unknown as yet. Barryville may be an easier location to get people to from Canada.
– 2003 Camp was a big success. Three counselors helped the senior staff. Everyone had a good time. New activities are being planned for future camps. Campers were interviewed for feedback; how we can improve camp; what they thought of certain activities. We are considering having the staff come in a few days early for staff training to be better prepared. If money is ever made on this event, a winter staff retreat could be planned.
– Discussed naming the camp program; possibly adding a week onto the camp making it an all sports camp or gymnastics camp or tumbling camp and come for one week or both.
– Discussed a possible winter camp in an urban setting, i.e. downtown Chicago for 4 days between Christmas and New Year’s.
– Any feedback from anyone else is welcome.
– Distribution of funds leftover from camp was discussed; money will be left in the pot until one of the three organizations decides to leave.
– Br. Kalat thanked Sokol USA for providing free bus transportation for all campers from the Valparaiso Slet to Barryville.
– Br. T. Pajer expressed disappointment in the low numbers attending the camp; there are 1,669 youth members in ASO alone, but yet there were only 20 ASO members who participated. A suggestion was made to have a visual advertisement for camp that can be posted in gyms.
MOTION made by Br. R. Milan to have ASO financially support public relations for the camp program, seconded by Sis. D. Guerreri and passed.
– Br. C. Kalat noted that the only income the camp has is from the registration fee. The ASO pays part of the American Sokol members’ registration, but we do not add any other money into the pot. Sokol USA did add money by paying for the bus transportation from their Slet to the camp.
– Sis. B. Kucera reported that the 2005 American Sokol Slet will take place June 22-26, 2005.
– Logo is ready to be presented to the executive board.
– Committee looked at a possible venue this morning, Proviso West High School. At this time, we will also be looking at the Morton High Schools. Other venues considered did not work out for many different reasons.
– Many new and special events are being considered; i.e. pyramid competition. Another special event idea was having a national raffle, raffling off a large item, i.e. a trip, a car, etc. Raffle tickets would be sold across the country. The prize would be drawn at the Slet. With the sale of a large number of raffle tickets, Slet day would be a free event, if enough money was raised through the raffle.
– Other ideas suggested to bring more of an audience was to invite other performers to perform at our Slet; other performers would bring their own audience.
– Br. F. Michalek spoke about a fitness/sports event that he attended and the different ideas that are used to bring more people in and suggested we follow a format similar to bring more people to our event.
Calisthenics Committee Report
– All calisthenics numbers for Slet have been selected. There is a new Tots cal written by Pat Satek and Terry Maskill; Children’s cal will be from the 1997 Slet written by Howie Wise and Nada Vencl; new Juniors cal written by Tom Pajer and Pat Satek; Seniors are doing the New World Symphony cal, originally written by Dagmar Fiala; Group II will be the first Halik cal from 1989. The Western District is testing the Children’s cal; Central District is testing the Tots’ cal. Music is available for all cals. Sis. E. Babka has redone the text for the New World Symphony cal; Sis. J. Kalat redid the text for the Halik cal.
Competition Routines
– Sunday, after lunch, there will be a session to view the submitted routines. Routines will be used in Toronto.
– Br. Kalat asked for input on conflicts that are forged by the fact that we have multiple events and not enough hours to do them; we have to put events up against each other and we always had a problem between rhythmics and volleyball. Women’s basketball seemed to have a physical conflict at the last Slet between teams; there is not a lot of interest in this event.
MOTION made by Sis. D. Guerreri that we withdraw women’s 3-on-3 basketball at the 2005 Slet, seconded by Sis. L. Laznovsky and passed.
– Swimming is another event that doesn’t have enough participation to warrant a proper competition.
MOTION made by Br. B. Kool to eliminate swimming at the 2005 Slet, seconded by Sis. D. Guerreri and passed.
– Instead of publishing a Slet Manual in hard copy in a binder, all the information would be provided on a CD and/or posting in on the web and everyone can print their own copies.
MOTION made by Sis. L. Laznovsky that the Slet Manual go out on CD, be posted on the web
and if for some reason someone does not have computer access, a hard copy would go out, seconded by Br. B. Kucera and passed.
– No activity was taken on this item during the past year.
ASO BOI BUDGET (written report submitted)
– Br. Kalat reported that we are still $10,000 ahead for the first three years, so we should not go over on our 5-year planned budget.
– None
District Slets
April 16, 17, 18, 2004 – Western District
May 23, 2004 – Central District
June 4, 5, 6, 2004 – Southern District
June 12-13, 2004 – Northeastern District
– Br. T. Pajer suggested primary focus for a conference for next year would be 2005 Slet and events; sessions would be cal and routines.
– Br. Ed Schnabl spoke about an article written in the September issue of the Sokol St. Louis newsletter by Maria Briedenbach, who was one of the instructors at the National camp and from there she went to the Sokol St. Louis camp and then she went to her own unit meeting and was disappointed because too many people spent too much time arguing about petty items. He suggested reading this article.
– Sis. L. Laznovsky made note that the National GymFest will be in Las Vegas on June 18, 19 and 20, 2004.
– Sis. C. Curran reported on a project that the Sokol Tabor educational director created for their juniors this year. They will create questions and will be assigned to a unit to interview; 28 units from ASO will be contacted by one of the Sokol Tabor juniors between now and December; their contact will be the names on the website, i.e. president or director. Questions will be who is the first person in your unit to get a gold medal; questions about the community around your gym; how many different activities are in your gym. Br. Kalat suggested there be a formal notification to units that this will be occurring. Directors Newsletter can also publish an article about it.
– Sis. J. LoGiudice announced that Sokol Greater Cleveland produced a CD of marches; there have been a lot of requests for that CD; Sokol Greater Cleveland did bring some CDs to sell for $10.00 each.
– Sis. B. Vondra announced that breakfast is at 7:00 a.m. at the hotel; Development Conference registration is at 8:00 a.m. at Sokol Brookfield tomorrow morning.
– Br. C. Kalat requested that all travel vouchers be turned in before you leave this weekend to Sis. J. LoGiudice.
– Meeting ended with everyone singing “Leti Sokol.”
– Br. C. Kalat thanked everyone for their participation; Br. Kalat and Sis. Vondra will be available the entire weekend if anyone has any questions.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly R. Domzalski, Recording Secretary