American Sokol Honor Guard October 2021

Three years ago Ted Polashek of Sokol Tabor became a Czech Sokol Straž member. He approached American Sokol with the idea of establishing an American Sokol Honor Guard group
of members who would learn the Czech Guard protocol and the American protocol.

This group could then represent us here and in the Czech Republic for any events that required
the Honor Guard.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we had to postpone the training here in the USA. This year,
October 2021, we had the opportunity to join in the Training in Prague. Your donation to the
Honor Guard Seal Fund of two years ago provided us funds to send three of our members.
The members are from Sokol Tabor in Berwyn, IL who were able to take the necessary steps to
travel and devote a week to training. We thank Ted Polashek, John Fron and Charles Svestka
for their dedication to Sokol.

We are still planning on holding the Honor Guard course in the USA.

Lynda Filipello and Allison Gerber, Honor Guard Committee chairs