Meeting called to order at 2:20 p.m. by National Director of Men, Br. Chuck Kalat, and National Director of Women,
Sis. Barb Barnes.
Pledge to the flag was given.
A moment of silence was observed in memory of past Sokols.
All District Directors, American Sokol Board of Instructor members and guests were welcomed and requested to rise and introduce themselves. A sign-in sheet was also passed around.
Sis. Br. Br. Br. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. |
Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Br. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. |
Sis. Irene Mergl welcomed everyone to Sokol New York.
Each District Director has one vote, 1st and 2nd Assistants each have one vote, National Directors each have a vote. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussions, present opinions and suggestions even though they have no voting power. Motions are restricted to those who have voting rights, but anyone can join in on discussion.
General Conference Session Plans
Copies of National and District Director Reports and Committee Reports were mailed to conferees prior to the Conference for review. Agenda was presented and will be followed.
REVIEW OF SUBMITTED REPORTS – Questions/Comments/Discussions:
Report of the American Sokol Director of Men, 2005-2006 Season (Written report attached)
– Submitted by Br. C. Kalat.
– Correction noted on page 1, first line under “General” heading and under “2005 Director’s Conference”; the conference was held in Omaha at Sokol South Omaha.
Report of the American Sokol Physical Director of Women, 2005-2006 (Written report attached)
– Submitted by Sis. B. Vondra.
Annual Attendance Report (Written report attached)
– Submitted by Sis. M. Fiordelis.
– Discussion regarding lack of attendance reporting from units.
– It was suggested that the importance of attendance reporting and the inability to get units to report their attendance be discussed at the Board of Governors meeting. It was noted that not all units nor all districts are in non-compliance of reporting attendance.
– It was requested of Sis. M. Fiordelis to check back in the last five years to see if it is always the same unit or district that is in non-compliance or always in compliance.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to find some sort of penalty to apply to units for not turning in attendance numbers on time to the National office, seconded by Sis. L. Laznovsky and passed (2 opposed).
– Each District elaborated on various activities their District participated in during the past year.
Central District (Written report attached)
– Central District added a new program this past year for girls, ages 6 through 16, who live in Illinois, The Sokol Central District GIJO (Greater Illinois Junior Olympics) team is a competitive gymnastics team. Girls who have skills from Level 3 and up can join. They meet once a week for two hours to train and enter competitions against other private gymnastic clubs. These competitions are more relaxed than the USAG competitions. They compete the same compulsory routines as USAG, but can be assisted during competition.
Eastern District (Written report attached)
– A request was made to keep better contact with Sokol Washington, D.C. This Sokol is very Czech oriented and has a lot of activities in its program.
Northeastern District (Written report attached)
– Br. H. Wise further explained Northeastern District’s use of achievement ribbons and participation certificates. A copy of their ribbon and certificate was requested to be put on file in the American Sokol office.
Pacific District
– Br. R. Miller gave an oral report on behalf of the Pacific District.
– Pacific District is having more contact with Sokols Los Angeles and San Francisco.
– Sokol Los Angeles has an active weekly senior group doing calisthenics; there are about 14-15 people attending each week. Sokol Los Angeles also ran a youth day this past year.
– Sokol San Francisco holds two dances and two picnics each year; about 75 to 100 people attend.
– Sokol Fresno has 25 members; they regularly hold a Czech language class. Most members are senior citizens, but their membership is building. This year they started a Tots program.
– Br. C. Kalat requested that the Pacific District inform the National BOI of its activities and request the number of people involved in these activities.
– Pacific District holds district meetings twice a year.
Southern District (Written report attached)
Western District (Written report attached)
*** A break was taken at 3:50 p.m. Meeting resumed at 4:10 p.m. ***
Educational Director Report (Written report attached)
2005-2006 Report of the Editor of the Director’s Newsletter (Written report attached)
– Br. Bud Benak sent a letter with a $300 check on behalf of Sokol South Omaha to the Directors’ Newsletter.
– The newsletter will continue sending hard copies with a subscription cost of $10.00. An e-mail subscription for $5.00 is being considered.
American Sokol Gymnast (Written report attached.)
– The question was asked as to why the Merit Award winners were placed in the Gymnast section rather than the front page of the American Sokol Magazine.
Program Usage Report (Written report attached.)
Uniform Report (Written report attached.)
– Correction noted in Uniform Prices: new prices will be effective January 1, 2007 (not 2006).
– Questions were raised as to who has the final say in a price increase for uniforms; is it voted on by someone; is it approved by someone?
– There is no order form currently available on the web site.
– It was noted that the 10-12 week delivery time is now over 12 weeks for shipping uniforms from CL Activewear.
Merit Award Report (Written report attached.)
– It was noted that Sis. Eva Balas did attend the June 13, 2006, meeting.
– Unit notification of who requests merit award application is a plus.
– Be aware that the essay question has changed for next year.
National Skills Month (Written report attached)
– Sis. E. Schnabl is interested in putting together a Senior II skills card. This would be for age 50+ members. If there is an interest, she will pursue this action.
American Sokol School Board Report 2006 (Written report attached.)
– This report is the minutes from October, 2005, meeting. A copy of the Minutes of the meeting that occurred in early October, 2006, were not available.
2006 American Sokol Instructors School July 17-July 31, 2006 (Written report attached.)
– A suggestion was made to hold a District Instructor’s School more often and hold National Instructor’s School every other year or less often.
2006 National Sokol Camp Report (Written report attached)
– A promotional video will be produced in the future to show what camp is all about and to encourage more to attend.
USAG Congress of Coaches, St. Paul, MN, 8/17-19/06 (Written reports attached.)
– Both National Physical Directors attended.
YOUTH MEMBERSHIP (Written report attached.)
– Br. B. Kucera gave a visual presentation of youth membership department.
– Following presentation, there was a lengthy discussion with Sis. C. Baker on how to account for a unit’s youth membership considering the programs offered at that unit.
*** At 6:25 p.m., a break was taken for dinner. Meeting resumed at 7:25 p.m.
American Sokol Performance Team
– The final ASPT DVD has been sent out. There was a big overflow of money from donations. It was noted that it would have been a better idea to have hired someone to shoot the videos rather than have the team attempt to do it.
– Favorable comments about the team were offered.
Prague Slet
– Comments and suggestions were offered.
– Everyone agreed it was a definite plus to have an instructor from COS come one year prior to Slet to review the calisthenics.
BOI Expectations from Educational Department
– Discussion followed about Czech history versus Sokol history. It is important to stress where Sokol came from, but to push the history of Sokol, not the Czechs.
– It was recommended that the Educational Department promote Sokol history more than ethnic history.
– It was suggested that a discussion be had with Sis. E. Schnabl to point out where we see education committee going in the future.
– Sis. J. Kalat read her notes taken at the October 6, 2006, National School Board Meeting.
– Reports were sent out to each unit director that had a student at the course and a copy was sent to the American Sokol office secretary.
– Skill cards were incorporated into the apparatus theory class. Peter was given all three cards and he is going to incorporate the skills in the practice teaching lesson plans that he is working on. Currently, there are three lesson plans for each event and their goal is to add two each year. Peter Lattanzio, Mary Cushing and Kevin Fitzpatrick were all working on this and feel it is very successful.
– Preschool section was passed through Bud Benak and Mary Cushing, but that was not their expertise. BOI will get them help; target date is 2/1/07 to bring it together so it can be incorporated into next year’s course.
– Kandi Pajer and Bud Benak worked on a new certificate; when presented to the staff, they felt it did not look official enough. It was felt it needs a border and seal to look official.
– School Board made a recommendation to the National Directors for Mary Cushing to be the course director for the 2007 Course at Sokol Greater Cleveland. The National Directors approved and Mary Cushing accepted.
– BOI pointed out that the students are not made aware of materials and programs available through Sokol; this will be incorporated in one of the course lectures.
– Guideline book is outdated; some things need to be changed. There is some confusion as to who can do that and what we can do because it is copyrighted. The School Board will take on the task of making changes regardless of copyright.
– Jane Wise will be the school secretary for next year.
– It was noted that the staff is at course to teach students to be instructors.
Sokol Program Revamp as Web Links
– Br. T. Pajer reported that there is a links page on the American Sokol web site. It is at
Adult Seminar/Congress Type Merit Award Program
– Idea is to have a merit award program for adults to attend adult seminar/congress.
Volume Direct Access to Interested Individuals – “Subscription Lists”
– Subscription list is to sign up for information; it had never been accomplished. Links page can get anyone to what they are looking for.
Sokol Awards Program
– Currently, on hold.
“National” Events and National Event Coordinator
– Br. R. Miller explained the organization of a 10K run event.
– Further discussed Falcon Corps, which is still an open item on the BOI action list.
– Sis. Allison Gerber requested clarification on several different tournament rules. Explanations were given to her satisfaction.
– Sis. Anna Janous reported that Sokol Canada is in its 95th year. Their activities include gymnastics, volleyball and many social events. Sokols in Canada do not own their buildings. Their executive board meets twice a year; once in October and once in May. A newsletter is published bi-monthly.
– Sokol Canada is attending all Slets; participated in Prague Slet. After Prague Slet, Canada group toured Europe.
– Sokol Canada will participate in both Pittsburgh, PA and Ft. Worth, TX Slets.
– In 2011, Sokol Canada will celebrate their 100th anniversary. They are interested in switching Slet years with Sokol USA, so they can celebrate their 100th anniversary at the Sokol Canada Slet.
– Requested information about the American Sokol Instructors Course for next year because they would be interested in sending some of their children.
– Br. Lance Kovac reported Sokol USA encounters the same sort of struggles as American Sokol with membership and revenue. The Sokol USA continues to hold camp in Barryville, NY.
– Emanuella Grinberg accepted a position as one of the new New Wing coordinators.
– Sis. J. Wise read a written report created by the New Wing coordinators after the Slet. The report reviewed the events that took place during the Winter Slet; financial report was included. Pictures taken at the Winter Slet were passed around.
– Sis. B. Vondra explained a pilot program Sokol Stickney is planning. This Friday, Sokol Stickney is going to hold a “Freaky Friday.” Four stations will be set up; kids will stay at one station for 2 minutes and then continue to the next for another 2 minutes; there will be 8 different activities (2 at each station). The purpose is to keep the kids active for a 30-minute interval.
– This program has a certification program for gymnastic coaches. There is also a safety book. Br. C. Kalat picked up some Gymcert literature at the USAG Conference. Several posters and other items were passed around. ASO has an agreement with Gymcert that gives Sokol discounts when purchasing Gymcert materials.
*** At 10:00 p.m., meeting broke for the evening. ***
Meeting resumed on Saturday, October 21, 2006, at 9:05 a.m.
Sis. Br. Br. Br. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. |
Br. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Br. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. |
– Meeting began with a Strategic Planning presentation and workshops.
*** At 11:50 a.m., a lunch break was taken. Everyone was invited to take a walk to view the renovation of the Bohemian National Hall in New York City. ***
*** Meeting resumed after lunch at 1:20 p.m. ***
– Br. Wise continued the report on the New Wing program’s meeting last week.
– The New Wing has a new purpose statement; to develop friendship and common bonds among the young adults of the American Sokol.
– Discussed the 18-30 conference; New Wing discussed the possibility of another conference.
– Other topics discussed at this meeting concerned the direction the American Sokol wanted the New Wing to take. The New Wing is interested in keeping the young group of 18-30 year olds attending activities, keeping them energized enough to keep going to their Unit activities.
– It was suggested that at least one of the coordinators should sit in on a National BOI meeting.
– The New Wing is finding that there are a lot of units that don’t have members in the 18-30 year old age group.
– It is believed that more social activities are needed to keep the younger age group.
Apparent lack of participation in National Programs
– Eastern District, Western District, Southern District and Sokol USA are not involved in the camp programs. Sokol USA, however, has camping programs of their own also. Sokol USA usually pays for their kids to attend camp, but the kids do not take advantage of it.
Opening Up Summer Sokol Camps to “Outsiders”
– Discussed allowing non-Sokol members to attend camps.
MOTION made by Br. R. Milan to recommend to the executive board to accept outsiders to the traveling camp, seconded and passed.
MOITON made by Br. R. Milan to recommend to the camp committee for the National Camp to accept outsiders to join the camp, seconded by Sis. A. Gerber and passed.
“New” By-Laws – Impact, Support, Application and Enforcement
– Sis. M. Fiordelis explained the membership procedures at Sokol Detroit due to maintaining a liquor license for their facility.
– Discussion was held about the membership procedures from other units for the one parent member rule.
– This year the Youth membership is requiring the parent’s name who is becoming a member to be listed on a form. Someone needs to do a breakdown and show if there is an increase in membership due to the one parent member rule. It was suggested this be brought to the executive board for discussion.
Making the National BOI more “technical” and less “administrative”
– Discussed technical versus administrative. On the technical side, the BOI provides many technical services, i.e. Director’s Newsletter with technical information, workshops, courses, development conferences, etc.
District Director voice at the monthly National BOI Meeting
– The question was raised as to why District Directors do not attend National BOI Meetings. Eastern District directors are involved in classes on Wednesday nights.
– It was noted that a lot of information is disseminated at the BOI meetings and district directors are missing out on that information.
– The National BOI Meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. CST.
*** At 3:10 p.m., a break was taken. Meeting resumed at 3:35 p.m. ***
Apathy – reports, attendance, youth registration
– Topic was skipped – discussion had already taken place under other agenda items.
Leadership development training for directors and instructors
– More than just training to be a director or instructor, training is needed to be a leader and what it takes to be a leader, i.e. an officer or director in the organization. Sokol needs to inspire the young people to want to be a leader and go farther in the organization.
– Development conference helps do this to some extent.
– Discussion was held about people being mentors to those who are willing to learn leadership.
– More motivational speakers are needed.
– Suggestions were made to give certain tasks to kids to teach them to be leaders; let them follow through to complete these tasks.
Support for participation in outside Competitions and Exhibitions
– It was felt this is a very important marketing tool by participating in outside competitions and exhibitions.
– Discussed the courses offered. The skills learned through these courses are helping all students in most of their future endeavors.
– Sokol needs to keep those who attend course interested and involved so they will stay with the organization.
Need for “Districts” Today? Duplication of effort?
– Br. H. Wise proposed this topic. Spoke about the distance between units in some districts.
Review Slet event offerings in view of participation levels
– Rhythmics does not have a high level of participation; suggested eliminating rhythmics as a Slet event. Rhythmics competitors go down every year. One reason is because all events are offered and not everyone learns all events and competes all around. This past year little girls were allowed to compete which helped keep numbers up, but it still is not enough. There is just too many events and not enough time. Scheduling a rhythmics competition during Slet is very difficult.
– Postponed further discussion for a later date.
$5, 000/year BOI income commitment
– Sis. B. Vondra explained this commitment came about at the convention last year; talked about hiring an event coordinator to raise money because there is not enough money in the budget for BOI. It is now 1-1/2 years later and we have not done anything about it.
– At the September BOI meeting, we asked people to come up with ideas for a fundraiser that will raise $5, 000. Many ideas were presented; the ideas were organized into different criteria. About 12 fundraisers were chosen and at the last BOI meeting we eliminated those that were not workable. The top six ideas were brought to the directors conference: 50/50 raffle; cartwheel-a-thon; volleyball tournament opened to outside clubs; full competitions open to the public; conduct a celebrity golf outing; and conduct a national 10K give-away. These ideas were e-mailed to BOI members just prior to conference.
– It was felt that it is not up to the BOI to do fundraisers and raise money for the organization. This should be discussed at the next convention.
– Br. R. Miller discussed putting together a marathon race.
National School Director and the School Board Chairman – confusion
– No discussion.
– A committee investigated accessories to the Sokol uniform.
– Discussed optional girls shorts to go with their uniform. The shorts have a waistband that rolls down and word Sokol appears.
– Discussed having a bandana as an available accessory.
– The uniform subcommittee had recommended that there be a standard required sock with a Sokol design, logo or branding on it as part of the regulation uniform.
MOTION made by Sis. L. Laznovsky not to have a required sock with the Sokol logo as part of the regulation Sokol uniform, seconded by Br. T. Pajer and passed.
– The School Board made the recommendation to the BOI Directors to choose Sis. M. Cushing to be the School Director for the 2007 Instructors School at Sokol Greater Cleveland.
– BOI subsidy for the school is $2, 000 annually from the BOI budget and $5, 000 from the Future Sokol Leaders Fund.
– The School will take place at Sokol Greater Cleveland from July 16, 2007, to July 30, 2007.
– The course fee was raised by $50.00 in 2006. The school returned $200.00 in 2006.
– It was decided that the staff should get together prior to the next camp to plan that camp. The funds leftover this year are to be used to have a staff weekend retreat.
– Currently, Sis. Laznovsky is negotiating with Sokol USA to hold the camp in Barryville, NY.
– The BOI subsidy support is $75 for each ASO youth member. A suggestion was made that anyone who registers early would save $50 on the camp fee of $300.
– 7/2005 to 6/2006 BOI Expense Budget Tract is attached.
– Figures in red show what is over budget; black shows on budget.
– A request was made for Districts to pay closer attention to due dates for reports; not all reports are in by the deadline, which is September 15 every year.
*** At 6:10 p.m. a break was taken for dinner. ***
Meeting resumed on Sunday, October 22, 2006 at 9:05 a.m.
Sis. Br. Br. Br. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. |
Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Br. Br. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. Br. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Sis. Br. Sis. |
2007 SOKOL USA SLET – Pittsburgh
– Chris Yatchyshyn representing Sokol USA gave a presentation of the plans for the 2007 Sokol USA Slet in Pittsburgh, PA. The Slet will take place from June 28, 2007 to July 1, 2007. A video presentation of Pittsburgh was viewed by everyone present.
– Handouts were passed out about the Slet in Pittsburgh.
– Br. R. Milan gave an oral and visual presentation of the events scheduled for the 2009 American Sokol National Slet in Ft. Worth, TX. There is a website at Notebooks of material regarding the plans for the Slet were passed out to everyone.
– American Sokol is working with people to author some calisthenics for the 2009 Slet.
– Discussed having tag teams at the 2009 Slet.
– Central District will hold its Special Number Competition on April 21, 2007; Boys and Men Competition and Women’s Competition on May 19, 2007; Sokol Day and Awards Picnic on May 20, 2007.
– Western District Slet will be held at Sokol Crete on April 15, 2007.
– Northeastern District Slet will be held in Cleveland on June 2-3, 2007.
– Southern District Slet will be at Sokol West on June 2-3, 2007.
– Instructor’s School will be held at Sokol Greater Cleveland on July 16 through July 30, 2007.
– National Camp will be held July 30 to August 5, 2007. It may be in Barryville, NY, but not yet confirmed.
– Gymnaestrada will be held July 8-15, 2007 in Nuremburg, Austria.
– Next Directors’ Conference will be held in October, 2007 (possibly 3rd weekend) in Southern District in Ft. Worth, TX.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly R. Domzalski, Recording Secretary