Core Strength/Toning Exercises



Exercise Name

Beginner Straddle Bottom Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit in straddle
position-hands should be placed inside legs and participants try to lift bottom
off the ground.  Can also try to lift
bottom and feet together off ground.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Knees should be pressed
straight.  Keep elbows straight and try
to hold as long as possible. 



Exercise Name

Rock and Roll (without hands)

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit on bottom, roll
back with arms by ears and feet in air-to bent leg candlestick position. Roll
back up to a sit while keeping arms by ears and not using hands to get up.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Have participants start in tuck
position and roll up-once this is mastered can try a pike position.  Object is to work stomach muscles to get



Exercise Name

Leg Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand with feet hip
width apart, arms bent and hands behind head. Bend knee up and upper body
down toward knee to get elbow and knee to touch.  Repeat simultaneously. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Repeat on same side for a number
or reps and switch to other side 




Exercise Name

Back to Back Medicine Ball
Handoffs (partner)

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand back to back
with partner, feet hip width apart.  Using
medicine ball with hips facing forward, twist upper body to hand off ball to
partner, then twist to opposite direction to grab the ball.  Repeat.

Exercise Teaching Hints

A kickball or dodgeball can be
substituted for younger children.  Goal
is to keep feet, knees, and hips facing forward and only rotate upper torso.



Exercise Name

Foot to Hand Situp Exchanges

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back with arms
extended over head and legs straight. 
This can be done while exchanging a ball/beanbag/etc or without a
prop.  Simultaneously lift arms and
legs to touch hands to toes (or exchange ball from feet to hands), then
slowly lower back down.  Do not touch
hands and feet to ground, then repeat.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Use slow controlled motions, do
not rock up quickly to generate momentum, use muscles to gradually lift up.



Exercise Name

Partner Stand/Sit Together

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit in pairs, back to
back on floor, with elbows hooked at sides. 
Partners must work together to stand and then sit back down while
keeping arms interlocked.  This can
also be done by sitting facing one another, with knees bent and feet flat on
the floor, toes adjacent to partner’s toes. 
While holding hands work to stand and then sit back down.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Movements should be peformed
slowly and with control.




Exercise Name

Single Leg Stand Catch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand while balancing
on one leg with a partner or in a circle with a group.  Toss balls or bean bags and maintain
balance on base leg.  Be sure to use
both legs throughout exercise.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Aim while tossing helps to keep
partner from falling/losing balance but tosses that are not directly at
person are more challenging.



Exercise Name

Spell ABCs with legs

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back and lift
legs in air.  Back should remain flat against
ground and knees and feet pressed together. 
Using toes as an imaginary “pencil” spell the letters of the
alphabet.  Make letters as large as
possible, writing capital and lower case letters.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not arch back when lifting
feet,   Keep back rounded.  Must make letters as big as possible to get
maximum benefits.



Exercise Name

Hanging Tuck Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Hanging on bar, have participants
tuck knees up into their chest and relax back to hang.  Repeat simultaneously.  Can also do just a static tuck hang as

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants must bring knees in
as tight as possible.  Perform
movements slowly up and down so muscles are always firing.  On hold just have them concentrate on tight




Exercise Name

Tuck Holds

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit on floor and hug
their knees.  Tilt back slightly to
lift feet off floor and hold without rolling back.  Try with their arms out to side, then
extend one leg and switch or even both in a static hold. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Reinforce to participants not to
roll back.  Squeeze muscles to stay on
bottoms do not roll onto back. 



Exercise Name

Super Kids

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on their stomach
and are instructed to lift arms and feet off ground and hold.   

Exercise Teaching Hints

Instruct participants to have
straight arms, legs together and legs straight as well.



Exercise Name

Bridge Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on their back,
bend knees to put feet flat on floor. 
Keeping shoulders on floor they are instructed to tighten their legs
and gluts to lift their hips to full extension.  Relax.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants may have trouble
lifting high enough, have them lift toes off floor and concentrate on digging
heels into ground. 




Exercise Name

Cross Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on their back
with knees bent so feet are flat on floor, participants are instructed to
reach both arms across to right side of body and lift shoulders off slightly
to right as well then switch and both arms go to left side of body and shoulders
off slightly to left as well. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Try to reach the ankle on side
reaching towards. 



Exercise Name

Side Bridges

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on side with legs
extended and balance on bent elbow and forearm for support. Keeping legs extended
lift hip off of ground and hold body in a plank position.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on keeping body as straight
and tight as possible.  Squeezing all
muscles helps to maintain balance.



Exercise Name

Twist Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin in standard sit
up position.  Hold arms straight out in
front, hands clapsed together.  Sit up
and twist body so arms are at a 90 degree angle from body and parallel to the
ground.  Lay back and repeat to
opposite side.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on using core muscles, not
by creating momentum in thrusting arms upward.  Should use slow controlled movements.








Participants begin in sit up
position with hands placed behind head. 
Lift feet off of ground and into air, keeping lower back arched. Bend knees
and move feet in a circular motion similar to riding a bicycle.


To help maintain proper back
position, keep upper body slightly curled up off ground.  Can make exercise harder by changing angle
of hip-lower legs closer to ground to make more challenging.




Exercise Name

Hip Rotation

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin laying on back
with knees bent up toward chest.  Place
arms straight out to side for stability. Slowly rotate hips side to side,
keeping knees together, until touch ground.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Shoulders should remain flat on
ground and try to keep torso as stationary as possible.  Perform movements slow and controlled.



Exercise Name

Leg Throws

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants are paired with a
partner for this exercise.  One partner
lays on back with feet in air.  Partner
two stands with ankles on either side of head so partner can grab legs.
Partner two pushes legs down to floor 
while partner one resists-doesn’t allow feet to touch floor and brings
back to starting position. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Can push feet straight down and
side to side to incorporate more muscle groups. 



Exercise Name

Leg Beats

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on stomach with
hands under chin or under thighs. 
Lower back, legs and thighs are contracted to lift legs off
floor.  Partner beats legs down to

Exercise Teaching Hints

Legs should be straight and
together to maintain tight body position.




Exercise Name

Toe Touches

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back with feet
in air.  Arms reach up towards toes and
stomach is contracted to lift shoulder off floor to touch toes. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

*Exercise can be done
simultaneously or held at top of contraction or pulsed at top of contraction
as well.  Can also reach opposite hand
to opposite toe to incorporate different muslce groups.