Junior and Adult Cooldown Exercises


Cool Down



Exercise Name

Leg Lift Twists

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with arms out to side
and legs extended.  Lift one straight
leg up perpendicular to floor.  Twist
body so that leg crosses over to opposite side.  Bend knee in and out, then
twist back and lower leg to repeat on opposite side.

Exercise Variation

Can be done by lifting both legs
into a tuck position and twisting to sides.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep back from arching.  Try to keep both arms and shoulders on
ground while twisting.



Exercise Name

Sitting Hamstring Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Sit in straddle position.  Lean to one foot to feel stretch in
hamstrings. Repeat on other side.

Exercise Variation

Can also be performed with one leg
bent inward.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Go slowly to feel a stretch and do
not bounce.



Exercise Name


Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with arms at side and
legs extended.  Slowly go through the
motions of making a snow angel.  Arms
and legs move together simultaneously.

Exercise Variation

Arm motions can be performed while
standing still, or can be done while sitting in a chair.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles and take deep breaths.



Exercise Name

Ring Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on stomach. With hands near
waist, push elbows straight and stretch back.
Bend knees and try to touch feet to head.

Exercise Variation

Perform stretch with elbows
straight and back arched, but do not lift feet.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Go slowly to feel a stretch along
the abdominals.



Exercise Name

V Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with legs extended and
arms at side. Lift legs up towards a pike position, when perpendicular to
ground, lower feet to sides so that legs create a V.  Allow gravity to pull legs down for a

Exercise Variation

Can perform stretch for one leg at
a time, or by lifting both up in pike and only lowering one leg to V position
at a time.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep back from arching when
holding legs in air.



Exercise Name

Muscle Relaxers

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back, arms at side and legs
extended.  Inhale and begin with
muscles at neck. Contract and count to 5 then relax.  Move to shoulder muscles, through arms,
abdominals, gluts, and legs.  Hold each
muscle group tightly contracted, then relax fully and move onto next group.

Exercise Variation

Can also be performed sitting in
chair if necessary.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Use this exercise to take deep
breaths and really focus on isolating muscle groups on contraction and



Exercise Name


Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin sitting in the floor on a
tuck position. Roll backwards onto back. Extend legs upward and roll forward
again slowly rolling down spine, hips, and legs, then sit up and touch
toes.  Return to tuck position and

Exercise Variation

Begin in tuck position.  Hold legs to chest and roll back and forth
staying in tuck position.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep back from arching or going
flat when rolling.



Exercise Name

Shake Outs

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand up, feet hip-width
apart.  Start with neck and shoulders and  contract and
relax muscle groups quickly. Add more muscle groups until you are moving all
parts of your body in short quick motions.

Exercise Variation

Move joints at a pace that is

Exercise Teaching Hints

Stay loose and relaxed.



Exercise Name

Lower Back/Hamstring Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with legs bent. Lift
one leg up and hold thigh to pull towards chest.  Straighten leg and pull up to feel a
stretch in the hamstrings.

Exercise Variation

Perform this stretch as above but
do not straighten leg completely, just enough to feel a stretch.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep back from arching when
lifting leg up.



Exercise Name

Quadriceps Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay face down on floor. Bend one
knee and lift foot up toward hips.
Hold position and feel stretch in quadriceps.

Exercise Variation

Only lift foot and bend knee as
far as is comfortable.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep hips flat to ground, do not rotate when leg is bent.



Exercise Name

Frog Pose

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin standing with
palms touching and pressing aginst each other.  Feet a little farther than hip width apart
and knees bend down as low as possible.
Hold position.  Elbows can press
against knees outward to enhance stretch.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed while
sitting on a chair or with slight bend in knees.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles.  Legs should be bent as far as possible and
tilted out to side to maximize stretch.
Participants should be instructed to breathe deep and slow to aid in
stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Plough Pose

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back with legs
fully extended and arms at sides.  Legs
are lifted over head and brought down to floor over head in back.  Curl toes under and press heels into floor.  Clasp hands together behind back while
resting on floor.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed by using
hands to aid in roll back.  Hands may
hold legs in any position that provides stretch.  Complete roll back to touch feet on floor
is not necessary.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles.  Participants should be instructed to
breathe deep and slow to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Reclining Side Twist

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on floor on back
with arms straight out to side and knees bent with heels touching gluts.  Drop knees down to one side twisting at
waist attempting to get leg to lay flat on floor, head twists to look in
opposite direction.  Hold.  Repeat on other side. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
slight twist of back.  Knees should
drop down as far as possible and head turned slightly to opposite side. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles.  Shoulders should remain on floor at all
times.  Participants should be
instructed to breathe deep and slow to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Downward Facing Dog

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin on all fours,
with knees bent.  Hands push into
floor, lift gluts towards ceiling and knees are fully extended and feet flat
on floor.  Head should be tucked in to
be even with arms.  Hold.

Exercise Variation

Knees can remain bent slightly and
heels may lift off of floor.  

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles.  Participants should be instructed to
breathe deep and slow to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Straddle Stand and Lean

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand with feet
shoulder width apart.  Lean to right
and reach left arm up and over to right to enhance stretch.  Perform on other side as well.

Exercise Variation

Knees can be bent to assist in
stability.  Hands can be placed on hips
and remain there throughout stretch.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles.  Reach as far as possible to maximize
stretch.  Participants should be
instructed to breathe deep and slow to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Extended Side Angle Pose

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand with feet a
little wider than hip width apart and arms at sides.  Right hand is placed behind right ankle,
left arm is extended to ceiling and eyes look up towards ceiling.  Hold.
Repeat on other side. 

Exercise Variation

Participants can rest right elbow
on right knee and reach left arm up to ceiling and hold.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles.  Participants should be instructed to
breathe deep and slow to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.  



Exercise Name

Bridge Pose

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back with
knees bent and feet flat on floor.
Arms are slowly raised up over head and heels pressed in floor to get
hips to lift up into a bridge position.
Open hips up as far as possible-hold.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
arms down at side and pressing against floor or out at sides to aid in

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants should be instructed
to breathe to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Thera-band Back Twist

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back with arms
out to side and thera-band looped around one
ankle.  Hold ends of thera band in opposite hand of looped ankle and drop that
ankle across body to oposite side.  Thera band should
be pulled to change angle of stretch and aid in flexibility. 

Exercise Variation

Thera-band can be placed around thigh
at knee instead of at ankle-or ends can be held with same hand as ankle/thigh
looped to not allow leg to twist as far.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Hold stretch and relax opposing
musculature.  To get into position go
slow to prevent injury.  Participants
should be instructed to breathe to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Stability Ball Arch Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay backwards over
stability ball.  Arms can reach down to
floor in back and while rocking back and forth-touch hands to floor and then
back to feet.  Head should be tilted
back as far as possible as well.

Exercise Variation

Participants lay backwards over
stability ball.  Arms can reach down to
floor in back to open up chest relax stomach muscles. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles. Back and arms
should be reaching and open as far as possible to maximize stretch.  Participants should be instructed to
breathe deep and slow to aid in stretch and relaxation as well.



Exercise Name

Whole Body Stretch With Ball

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand with feet hip
width apart and hands on ball that is just at feet.  Ball is pushed out as far as possible-back
is arched and eyes look up at ceiling-knees straight.

Exercise Variation

Ball should be pushed as far as
possible-do not arch back and knees can be bent slightly.  Hands go out to be on outsides of ball to
gain more stability. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Relax muscles. Participants should
be instructed to breathe deep and slow to aid in stretch and relaxation as



Exercise Name

Back Stretch on Stability Ball

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Kneel behind ball and sit on
heels.  Put hands on ball and roll it
forward, keeping back rounded.  Slowly
roll ball in several directions and feel a stretch in the back

Exercise Variation

Can also be performed from a
standing position to relieve stress of kneeling.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Go slowly and feel a stretch in
all directions.



Exercise Name

Backstroke with Thera-band

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Place band behind back, one end in
each hand.  While standing, feet
hip-width apart, slowly perform arm circles such as a backstroke would be

Exercise Variation

Can be done with thera-band in front of chest or without a band.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep band tight enough to feel a
slight stretch.



Exercise Name

Shoulder Circles

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Form a bridge position on a
stability ball or folded mat.  Rest
shoulders on the ball/mat and press hips up.
When balance is established hold arms out to side, palms up with weight
in each hand.  Pull arms together to be
extended in front of chest.  Lower arms
to over head, then slowly circle around to sidearm. Repeat.

Exercise Variation

Can perform without weights. Can
also hold in single positions to allow weights to stretch shoulder.

Exercise Teaching Hints

If moving while holding weights,
go slowly to avoid injury with the resistance.



Exercise Name

Reach for the Sky

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Step up onto stepper with both
feet. Slowly inhale and bring arms up over head.  Slowly raise to
stand on toes and hold.  Exhale and
lower arms, then step down onto floor.

Exercise Variation

This exercise can also be
performed without the stepper

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on taking deep breaths and



Exercise Name

Hamstring Stretch with Medicine

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand with feet hip width
apart.  Hold medicine ball in both
hands and slowly bend forward to feel a stretch in the hamstrings.  Keep ball slightly off the ground to
increase resistance in stretch.

Exercise Variation

Stand with feet hip-width apart
and the medicine ball on the floor between feet.  Bend forward and place hands on the
ball.  Feel a stretch in the hamstrings
and use hands to slowly roll ball forward or backward to increase or decrease
intensity of the stretch.

Exercise Teaching Hints

When holding the stretch, do not bounce.