Juniors and Adults Core Strength/Toning Exercises



Exercise Name

Half Extension Obliques

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin in sit-up position and sit
up halfway.  Rotate torso to one side,
middle, other side, middle, repeat.  Remain elevated for several repetitions.

Exercise Variation

Perform one set and then
rest.  Can also hold in half-extension
position with torso in one direction, then rest and repeat in opposite

Exercise Teaching Hints

Use abdominal muscles to maintain
position and try to keep neck from bending forward, want it to be in line
with the rest of the spinal column.



Exercise Name


Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with legs extended and
arms resting alongside body.  Sit up so
that back is slightly lifted off ground, arms should be off of ground, palms
facing down.  While maintaining this
body position, perform quick short movements up and down with the hands, only
moving a couple inches.  The idea is
that you perform a “hundred” quick movements before resting.  This does not have be
taken literally.

Exercise Variation

Maintain the body position with
the arms off of the ground as well, but do not perform the
“hundred” reps.  Or perform
the “hundred” reps while sitting in a pike position or standing.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Should feel muscles firing in the
abdomen as well as in the upper arms.



Exercise Name

Reverse Sit Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with arms crossed over
chest.  Bend knees and use abs to lift
legs up to chest and then lower without touching the ground.  Repeat several times.

Exercise Variation

Perform as above but place arms
out to side for additional stability and to help lift legs up.  Rest between repetitions.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not arch back. If having
difficulty keeping legs together when lifting, cross ankles.




Exercise Name

Reverse Hyperextensions

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

On a folded mat or table, lay with
abdomen on surface and legs hanging over the end.  Keep legs and ankles together and lift up
in air and hold.

Exercise Variation

Lay flat on floor and lift legs

Exercise Teaching Hints

If pain is felt in back, do not
lift legs up as high.



Exercise Name

Spell ABCs with legs

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back and lift
legs in air.  Back should remain flat
against ground and knees and feet pressed together.  Using toes as an imaginary
“pencil” spell the letters of the alphabet.  Make letters as large as possible, writing capital
and lower case letters.

Exercise Variation

Alternate legs to reduce pressure
on lower back.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not arch back when lifting feet,   Keep back
rounded.  Must make letters as big as
possible to get maximum benefits.



Exercise Name

Partner Stand/Sit Together

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Sit in pairs, back to back on the
floor with elbows hooked at sides. 
Partners must work together to stand and then sit back down while
keeping arms locked.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can also be done sitting
facing one another, knees bent, toes adjacent to partner’s.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Movements should be performed
slowly and with control in sync with partner.



Exercise Name

360 Handoffs

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand back to back with a partner
and take a step apart.  One partner has
a ball/bean bag.  Both partners turn to
their right sides and keeping feet stationary, twist to hand off item, then twist to left side to exchange again.

Exercise Variation

This can also be done as a 180
exchange standing back to back with one partner twisting to left side and the
other twisting to the right.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep feet stationary and rotate
hips as little as possible.




Exercise Name

Bicycle Sit-ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin in sit up position and lift
feet off of ground, with knees bent, shins should be parallel to ground.  Perform a sit up and reach the opposite
elbow to opposite knee.  Should be done
in quick repetition so that leg movements mimic pedaling a bicycle.

Exercise Variation

Perform the situp
with feet in the air, but do not do the simultaneous leg movements.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not arch back and try to
perform as quickly as possible.



Exercise Name

Oblique Sit-ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay down in sit up position.  When performing the sit-up, twist torso so
that opposite elbow meets opposite knee.

Exercise Variation

Sit in a pike position.  Put hands behind head and twist torso from
side to side. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Try to keep upper body in line and
not move one section more than another.



Exercise Name

Hanging Leg Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Hanging on bar, have participants
lift legs up in a pike position and reach toes as high as possible (goal
should be to touch toes to bar).  Then
relax back to hang.  Repeat
simultaneously.  Can also do just a
static pike hold as well with feet parallel to floor.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be done in a tuck

Exercise Teaching Hints

Motion must be performed slowly
and with control.



Exercise Name

Bridge Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay
on their back, bend knees to put feet flat on floor.  Keeping shoulders on floor they are
instructed to tighten their legs and gluts to lift their hips to full
extension.  Relax.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can also be performed on
a chair with hands on edge of seat and feet on floor.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants may have trouble
lifting high enough, have them lift toes off floor and concentrate on digging
heels into ground.  Movements should be
performed slowly and with control. 




Exercise Name


Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants perform the following
series of exercises in a row without resting-1.Pike ups-can be done from a
lay on floor and feet and shoulders come up and touch toes at top or just
laying on back with feet in air and hands reaching up and touching toes.  2.Leg extensions-start with shoulders
slightly off ground, legs straight out to horizontal without touching floor,
then lift legs up to ceiling, bend knees into chest and then extending back
to horizontal.     3.  Leg flexions-start with shoulders slightly
off ground, knees bent in to chest, legs then extend
up to ceiling, lower to horizontal without touching floor and knees bending
up to chest again.  15 repetitions
should be performed of each.                      

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
hands resting under gluts.  Can also be
performed on an incline mat.  Rest when

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants should concentrate on
maintaining a tight body position throughout. 
Goal is to perform without stopping in between repetitions or



Exercise Name

Side Bridges

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on side with legs
extended and balance on bent elbow and forearm for support. Keeping legs
extended lift hip off of ground and hold body in a plank position.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed by
leaning with one arm on a mat or chair instead of lying on floor.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on keeping body as straight
and tight as possible.  Squeezing all
muscles helps to maintain balance.



Exercise Name

Leg Throws

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants are paired with a
partner for this exercise.  One partner
lays on ground on back with feet in air.  Partner two stands with ankles on either
side of head so partner can grab legs. Partner two pushes legs down to floor  while partner
one resists-doesn’t allow feet to touch floor and brings back to starting

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed without
feet being pushed by partner.  Leg can
be slowly lowered as far as possible and lifted back up by own muscle

Exercise Teaching Hints

Can push feet straight down and
side to side to incorporate more muscle groups. 




Exercise Name

Alternating Toe Touches

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back with legs
straight and arms behind head.  Lift
one leg to ceiling and reach opposite hand to touch foot.  Relax and repeat lifting opposite leg and
reaching with other hand.  Do a number
of repetitions while alternating legs and arms for every other lift. 

Exercise Variation

Lay with arms apart and legs
apart, lift one leg straight up and reach opposite hand to touch foot. Lower
back down and repeat with other leg and hand.  

Exercise Teaching Hints

Perform exercise slowly and with
control.  Concentrate on remaining
tight throughout full range of motion to gain maximum benefits.



Exercise Name

Super Man

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin on all fours on
knees.  Left arm and right leg are
lifted up to be parallel to floor. 
Hand and foot should be stretched as far away from core as
possible.  Then relax back down to
resting position.  Perform a number of
repetitions with that arm and leg, then switch. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed while
lying on stomach on floor.  Raise opposite arm and leg and hold, then bring back to
relaxed position. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants should be instructed
to keep chin down and eyes on floor to prevent excess arch of back and
compression of spine.  Movements should
be done slowly.



Exercise Name

Hip Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on floor with
toes lifted up to ceiling.  Hands may
be placed out to sides or behind head. 
Lower abdominal muscles are contracted to raise toes up towards
ceiling and then relaxed.  Can also
perform small pulses at top of contraction. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
hand under hips, or on lower stomach to concentrate on the lower abs
performing work.  Can also hold static
position at top of contraction.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Upper body and neck should be
relaxed to aid in focus on lower abs. 




Exercise Name

Thera-band Pike Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back on
floor.  Thera-band
looped and hooked on big toes and open ends held in hands under back.  Legs should begin straight, fully extended
and touching ground.  Lift legs up to
be perpendicular to floor and lower back down, do not let feet touch floor
between repititions.  Can also Pulse just before touch
ground.  Do a number of
repetitions.  Can also do by holding thera band out to side with one hand and dropping feet to
opposite side.  Do a number of
repetitions and repeat on opposite side. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
legs bent or with thera band just below knees-or
closer to core.  Can do these
suggestions using all variations mentioned above.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Exercise should be performed
slowly to reduce risk of injury. 



Exercise Name

Back Lift Stability Ball Exercise

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin with shoulders
and neck on stability ball looking up at ceiling.  Feet should be planted on bench or
mat.  Gluts and back muscles are
engaged to lift hips up to be even with shoulders.  Can be held in a static position or
repetitions can be performed.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
feet on floor instead of on bench. 
This assists in stability of exercise. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

The farther the ball is placed
away from center the more unstable and more work exercise requires. 



Exercise Name

Arch Up Stability Ball Exercise

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants begin by laying on their stomach over the stability ball.  Hands are clasped onto a weight that is
held tightly to chest.  Lift upper body
to extend and be in a straight line with lower body over the ball.  Repeat.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed without
weight, or can be held in static position with or without weight. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Feet can be placed in a wider
stance to aid in stability.




Exercise Name

Opposite Arm/Leg Lifts

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

The stability ball should be
underneath the torso/stomach region with hands touching supporting
position.  Lift left arm and right leg
while using the other arm and leg to balance. 
Lower back to ground and switch.

Exercise Variation

Instead of using both the arm and
leg at the same time, just use one arm, then the other arm, then one leg,
then the other leg.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Go slowly trying to maintain a
solid position while moving arms and legs.



Exercise Name

Thera-band Crunches

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lay on back with hips and knees
flexed so that feet are off the ground. 
Wrap the center of the band over the upper shins (right below the
knee) and cross at the back of the knee. 
Hold one end of the band in each hand and place arms at side for
support.  Lift knees upward bringing
hips off of the floor.  Slowly lower
back to ground and then repeat.

Exercise Variation

Perform exercise as described
above but do not cross the band behind the knees, simply loop over the top of
the shins and then hold in hands.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep lower back rounded and be
careful not to arch once hips are lifting off of ground.



Exercise Name

Tree Trunk Chop

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin standing with feet hip-width
apart, one weight in each hand holding them together with arms extended
forward at shoulder height. Keep hips facing forward and rotate torso to one
side and bend towards ground (do not allow arms to sag).  Weights should go to about hip-height and
then rotate back up to beginning position. 
Repeat and rotate to opposite side.

Exercise Variation

Begin in same starting
position.  First movement will be to
rotate trunk sideways.  Keep hips
forward and twist torso to one side. 
From there, bend forward to bring weights down to hip-height.  Then stand back up, rotate to front and
repeat on opposite side.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on executing with proper
posture to get maximal benefit and reduce risk of injury.




Exercise Name

Elevated Crunches

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Sit in a pike position with heels
on the step.  Cross arms over chest and
slowly lean back to end up almost laying on the ground.  Before laying
down, sit back up to a pike position.

Exercise Variation

Begin laying flat with feet
propped up on step, legs can be bent or
straight.  Use abdominal muscles to
sit-up and lay back down.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not arch back and be sure to
use abdominal muscles to generate movement.



Exercise Name

Russian Twist Sit Ups

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin in sit-up position with
medicine ball in both hands near chest but not resting on it, knees bent,
feet resting flat on the floor. 
Perform a sit up and when about halfway up, begin to twist so that by
the time the sit up is completed, the upper body is facing the side and the
ball is on the outside of the bent knees. 
Lay back down and repeat twisting in opposite

Exercise Variation

Begin in sit-up position with
medicine ball in both hands near chest but not resting on it, knees bent,
feet resting flat on the floor. 
Perform a basic sit-up with the ball in hands.  When in the “up” position, then
twist the upper body so that the ball is to the outside, twist back to
straight position and then lay down. 
Repeat and twist in opposite direction when up.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Use the abdominal muscles to
create force, do not lead by thrusting arms forward
to create momentum.