Juniors and Adults Streching Exercises



Exercise Name

Shoulder Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Put both arms behind back and
clasp hands.  Bending slightly forward,
lift arms toward ceiling to feel a stretch. 
Use a partner to help if needed.

Exercise Variation

Can be done one arm at a time with
the assistance of a partner to hold arm/torso in proper position.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Go slowly to feel stretch without



Exercise Name

Neck Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

From standing position, drop one
ear to shoulder on same side, using hand to pull head down in that
direction.  Repeat in opposite direction
as well as to front and back.

Exercise Variation

Perform stretch as above without
added the increased pressure from using hands to press head down.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Be sure to feel stretch and not
pain.  Do not roll neck in circles, only go forward and backward or side to side.



Exercise Name

Calf Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

From a push up position (can arch
back to relieve pressure of supporting weight with arms), lift one leg off of
the ground and push the heel of the opposite foot towards the floor.  Feel a stretch in the back of the lower

Exercise Variation

Stand against the wall and put the
ball of one foot up against the wall, and push forward slightly to feel a
stretch in the lower leg.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Be aware that the hamstrings will
also stretch in these movements and be sure not to pull those muscles trying
to get a stretch in the calves.




Exercise Name

Hip Flexor Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Stand with right foot forward, leg
bent, left knee on ground behind. 
Right foot should be in front of right knee.  Try to push hips to ground.  Repeat on opposite side.

Exercise Variation

Laying on back, lift one leg up and bend
knee to chest. Hold leg to chest with arms.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Focus on keeping hips in line, not



Exercise Name

Back Scratchers

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Lift one arm up over head and bend
elbow so hand is behind neck.  Lift
opposite arm up behind 
to clasp the hand over head.  Switch sides.

Exercise Variation

Life one arm up over head and bend
elbow so hand is behind neck.  Use
opposite hand to help push this elbow down for increased stretch.  Repeat on opposite arm.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Should feel a stretch in the
triceps.  Try to keep torso upright
while stretching.



Exercise Name

Glut Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Sit with legs extended forward.
Bend left leg and pick up right foot, cross ankle over top of left knee.  Gently push right knee forward to feel

Exercise Variation

Can also be done by laying down and lifting up the bent (left) leg and pulling
it toward the chest.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Stretch should be felt in gluteal muscles.



Exercise Name

Ankle Flexion

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

From standing, shift weight to one
foot and roll ankle in all directions, keeping the ball of the foot on the

Exercise Variation

Sit in a chair or on the ground
and bend knee up towards body, then use hands to facilitate rotation of

Exercise Teaching Hints

Move ankle in all directions to
ensure a complete stretch.




Exercise Name

Arch Back

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

From kneeling, lean backwards,
look back with head and arch back. 
Arms should hang down at sides so that hands are near feet when in
arched position.

Exercise Variation

Sit up very straight in a chair
and lift arms up over head, feet flat on floor.  Slowly lean and arch back to feel stretch.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Carefully lean back slowly to
avoid injury.



Exercise Name

Hamstring/Quad Combo Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin in kneeling position.  Pick up left leg and place it forward with
foot further out than knee.  First lean
into front leg to feel stretch in hip. 
Then lean back and sit on back leg, straightening front leg to feel
stretch in hamstring. Kneel up once more and this time lift back foot up and
hold ankle to feel stretch in quad.

Exercise Variation

Break down the individual
stretches so that they aren’t done as a series.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep good technique when
transitioning from the different stretches.



Exercise Name

Straddle Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants should sit with legs
in straddle position-Reach arms down towards right foot.  Do same to left foot as well as down in the
middle-try to get elbows on floor, chin on floor or belly on floor. 

Exercise Variation

Stretch can be done with one knee
bent.  The leg that remains straight is
the one the hand reaches towards. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Maintain a straight leg as reach
toward toe.  Stretch should be done
slowly to reduce possiblity of injury. 



Exercise Name

Pike Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants should sit on floor
with knees straight.  Instruction is to
reach fingertips as far down legs as possible. Reach past toes.   

Exercise Variation

Stretch can be performed while
standing.  Reach down towards toes and

Exercise Teaching Hints

Keep knees as straight as
possible.  If can’t keep knees
straight-ease up a little until knees can get straight.




Exercise Name

Back Twist

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit on floor with
legs out front-bend right knee up, take left arm and place it across body on
opposite side of right knee and twist body outward to right.  Hold. 
Switch and repeat on other side. 

Exercise Variation

Stretch can be performed while
standing.  Reach arms around back to
aid in stretch.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Adjust hands and use elbow to
press against knee to aid in increasing stretch.



Exercise Name

Cat Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants are istructed to sit on knees and sit on heels.  Arms stretch straight out front and try to
touch chin on floor.   

Exercise Variation

Stretch can be performed while
standing and arms pressing against wall or table.  Press shoulders down to hands, elbows,
shoulders and back are in one straight line.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Instructor can increase stretch by
having participants lift bottom higher in back-arching back and lifting eyes
towards ceiling.  Arms should remain



Exercise Name

Quad Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants stand-can hold onto something for balance-bend one knee up in back,
grab with hand and hold. 

Exercise Variation

Stretch can be performed by
holding ankle with a towel or placing foot up on a chair in back. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

To increase stretch-pull foot up
in back and extending thigh towards back. 
Can also grab opposite ear with opposite arm to aid in balance.



Exercise Name

Side Lunge

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants start in a squat
position with hands on floor.  Reach
right foot out as far as possible to side. 
Arms are on inside of legs-elbow of bent leg puts pressure on knee towards
outside to enhance stretch. 

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed by
standing and leaning on a chair or table and stretching leg out as far as

Exercise Teaching Hints

Knees should be pressed away from
midline of body to increase stretch.




Exercise Name

Wrist Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants sit or stand and
press palms of hands together-keeping hands in close to chest and pressing
heel of hand down as far as possible to achieve maximum stretch.  Flip hands down and touch backs of hands
together and adding pressure.  Can also
press hands individually. 

Exercise Variation

Stretch can be achieved by
interlocking fingers and making circles with wrists and loosening wrist joint.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Participants must not put too much
pressure on joint-if pain is felt too much pressure has been applied.  Goal is to feel a stretch, not pain.



Exercise Name

Hamstring Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on floor on
back.  Both legs
should be extended, one leg is lifted and ankle or shin clasped with hands
and lifted as far as possible. Perpendicular to the floor is a good goal, but
ultimate goal should be to touch toe to floor next to ear.  Toe can also be flexed to deepen
stretch.  Hold and repeat on other leg.

Exercise Variation

Stretch can be done by bringing
knee up bent and pulling knee in to chest as far as possible.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Stationary leg must remain
straight and hips should remain on floor. 



Exercise Name

Chest Stretch With Thera-band

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants grab looped thera-band in either hand with thera-band
behind back.  Arms are raised to be
parallel with floor and try to get reararm
outward.  Change arm angle to receive
stretch desired. 

Exercise Variation

Participants may hook thera– band at elbows in back and raise
to parallel with floor if possible. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

The farther away from core thera band is makes stretch more difficult.  Perform stretches slowly so do not add
stress on musculature. 




Exercise Name

Lateral Ball Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on side on stability
ball.  Right hand is placed on floor
for stability and left arm at side. 
Both feet should be placed on floor for stability.  Repeat on other side-Hold.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed also
with left arm reaching over head and stretching as far as possible.  Right knee can also be bent and placed on
floor to increase stretch. 

Exercise Teaching Hints

Side, arms and legs should be
relaxed to aid in full stretch of musculature.  



Exercise Name

Stability Ball Back Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Participants lay on back and  reach arms up
over head, knees straight and arch back over ball.  Can also rock back and forth from hands
back to feet.  This ensures an arch in
back and stretch of musculature.

Exercise Variation

Exercise can be performed with
hands at sides, knees bent and feet on floor. 
Relax back over ball.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Stomach musculature should be
completely relaxed to gain benefits from stretch. 



Exercise Name

Stability Ball Hamstring Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Laying on back place heels on ball.  Bend knees and pull heels in toward gluts
while lifting hips off of ground.

Exercise Variation

Laying on back place heels on ball.  Use arms for support and lift hips up as
high as possible.

Exercise Teaching Hints

In either variation, a stretch
should be felt in the hamstring muscles. 
Use arms to provide additional support.



Exercise Name

Thera-band Shoulder Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Hold one end of the thera-band in each hand. Begin with some tension in the band, arms extended front, parallel to the ground.  Slowly raise arms over head and complete
simultaneous arm circles so that the thera-band
ends up behind the back.  Rest briefly
then circle arms to bring band forward again.

Exercise Variation

Use the above described exercise
but if the stretch becomes too great as the arms circle over head and to
back, bend one elbow to relax some of the tension in the band and decrease
the intensity of the stretch.

Exercise Teaching Hints

This stretch should be done slowly
and carefully.  Do not continue if the
stretch becomes painful.  Modify the
technique or relax the tension in the band.



Exercise Name

Y Stretch with Weights

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Begin with arms at side, weight in
each hand.  Slowly lift to uparm outward and lean slightly backward, continuing to
lift arms behind head (elbows should remaind straight).

Exercise Variation

Can be performed without weights.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Should feel a stretch in the back
as well as in the muscles of the shoulder and arms.



Exercise Name

Side Lunge on Step

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Place one foot on stepper (to the
side of body) and keep that leg straight. 
Bend leg that is on the ground and stretch inner thigh muscles. 

Exercise Variation

This same stretch can be performed
without elevating the foot on the stepper.

Exercise Teaching Hints

If stretch is not very strong,
leaning to the direction of the bent leg will increase intensity.



Exercise Name

Medicine Ball Trunk Stretch

Exercise Code


Exercise Description

Holding the medicine ball with
both hands begin with arms extended up over head.  Slowly reach forward and then rotate trunk
to side, back, and opposite side using the ball as resistance during the

Exercise Variation

Same as above but executed from a
kneeling position.

Exercise Teaching Hints

Do not speed through the
stretch.  Feel the muscles stretch,
especially along the obliques when doing the side