Minutes of 8/8/07 Meeting

This meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. by Sis. B. Vondra at American Sokol Office in Oak Brook, Illinois. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. The following BOI members were present: John Bazata, Mary Cushing, Bev Domzalski, Mary Ann Fiordelis, Allison Gerber, Chuck Kalat, Jan Kalat, Barb Kucera, Bob Kucera, Paul Lebloch, Juanita LoGiudice, Nancy Pajeau (late arrival), Kandi Pajer, Tom Pajer, Irena Polashek, Barb Vondra, Howie Wise and Jane Wise. Christina Curran and Patti Vondra were excused.

– Happy Anniversary!: Maryann and Carl Fiordelis 8/9, Chuck and Jan Kalat 8/26 (the Big 40!) and Bob and Barb Kucera 8/26
– Sympathy: Peter Lattanzio’s (DA Sokol) father passed away.
– Staff members, Women’s BOI: Nancy Pajeau and Jan Kalat, assistants; Bev Domzalski and Juanita LoGiudice, secretaries; Irena Polashek, Kandi Pajer, Christina Curran, Patti Vondra, Maryann Fiordelis, Mary Cushing, Barb Kucera, Lynda Bazata, EllenJeanne Schnabl, Sandy Benak and Jane Wise. No response from Lynn Conrad and Beth Kocek.
– Staff members, Men’s BOI: Bob Kucera 1st assistant, Tom Pajer 2nd assistant, Bud Benak, Paul Lebloch, Frank Michalek, Jerry Milan, Edward Schnabl and John Bazata. Matt Kocek will be unable to serve. No response from Buddy Benak.

– Minutes of the June 13, 2007, meeting were reviewed.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2007, American Sokol – BOI Meeting, as corrected, seconded by Br. B. Kucera and passed.

– Juanita LoGiudice (postage for shipping two instructor books and regular postage, $20.95; and office supplies, $47.85), $68.80.
– Creative Design, additional t-shirts ordered “Headed for the Future, ” $70.96.
– Chuck Kalat, USAG membership, $96.00.
– Barb Vondra, USA membership, $111.00.
MOTION made by Br. T. Pajer to approve bills, seconded by Sis. M. Fiordelis and passed.

Mail Sent:
– Self-addressed, stamped envelopes sent to merit award winners who did not return signed receipts. We are waiting for two more to come in. Kelsie Soneson sent a thank you card.
– Sympathy card to Peter Lattanzio.

Mail Received:
– American Sokol Directors Newsletter, August, 2007.
– American Sokol Publication, June, 2007.
– COS Sokol Magazine: June and July, 2007.
– Patti Komara: Packet of specials and new DVD catalog (new logo).
– Hodges Badge Co. flyer (has our Tots Skill ribbon on it).
– AAI: 2007-2008 Equipment Catalog; prices increase 9/1 www.americanathletic.com.
– New Instructor School Certificates and more folders.
– Jan Kalat: Copy of article “The Flight of the Falcon” with President, Larry Laznovsky, featured.
– Repayment of Greg Weyers Merit Award completed – received check for $200.
– All 2006-2007 Merit Award transcripts.
– SBC Athletic Supply: Restoration equipment and repair at www.gymnova-usa.com, scbgymcheer@aol.com.

E-mails received:
– Chris Yatchysyn: 2007 Sokolfest Competition and Tournament Results; 2007 Sokolfest pictures by Charity’s husband Donn at www.teamfred.smugmug.com/Sokol%20USA/343152.
– Sokol Chicagoland Women’s Director Sally Bukovsky: new email address bukovsky4@att.net.
– Sokol Cedar Rapids Co-Women’s Directors: Leah Woodward: new addresss 3041 Circle Hill Ct NE, Cedar Rapids IA 52402 and Annie Prohaska 2401 lst St SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52404 319-373-9519.
– Sokol Los Angeles: website www.SokolLA.org.
– Sokol Switzerland newsletter in Czech.

E-mails sent:
– Action List & Minutes Posted on website, www.american-sokol.org/boi/members.
– Prepared for Barb Vondra the Invitation to the 2007-2008 Women’s Board members.
– Fitness websites passed on to the yahoo group.
– Correspondence with Patti Komara. She will send information for our Conference.

– Youth membership registration final total for 2006-2007 is 2, 070 youth members.
– Registration materials for 2007-2008 should be out by the end of August, 2007.
– Income: new youth members from Sokol KHB, $5.00.
– Expenses on credit card: prize mailing for last newsletter contest, $9.48. Check is needed for Kandi Pajer for scrapbook materials (postage $127.75, envelopes $85.56, pages $33.80), $247.11. Total expenses: $256.59.
– Br. Kucera did request a transfer of $252.00 from the youth fund to the traveling summer camp; never received a confirmation that this occurred.
– No current activities or contests. August Newsletter will go out during the middle of August.
– Materials and requests for scrapbook pages have been mailed out; a few have come back. It was suggested that the scrapbook pages be added to the web site because not many people get to see it. Br. B. Kucera will check into copying and posting these pages.
– Br. B. Kucera made note that there were no passport stickers given to the American Sokol youth at the Sokol USA Slet.
– Youth ambassador duties are to disseminate information from the National Youth Director to their unit. Br. T. Pajer will check to see if he has actual written guidelines for youth ambassadors. Br. B. Kucera to compile guidelines for responsibilities and expectations of unit youth ambassadors for distribution to unit ambassadors.

– Br. C. Kalat received an e-mail from Sis. EllenJeanne Schnabl. Planning a mailing of materials to coincide with the start of classes in September. Anyone interested in receiving Sis. Schnabl’s educational material should contact her to be put on her mailing list.
– Br. Kalat has been including some of Sis. Schnabl’s materials in the Director’s Newsletter. Sis. Schnabl has been expanding the role of education outside of just Czech materials.

– This committee has not met, but they will be meeting in the next month and will provide a report for September.
– Br. T. Polashek has been in contact with Br. M. Wise about the Winter Slet.

2007 NATIONAL INSTRUCTORS SCHOOL – July 16, to July 30, 2007
– Sis. M. Cushing reported that the school went very well. There were 39 students to start, but lost two students and one instructor. A 28 year old student from Sokol West was only able to get one week off from work and only attended for the first week. A student from Sokol USA Monesson was homesick and left on Wednesday of the first week. Br. P. Lattanzio left on Thursday before graduation because of the death of his father. Everyone passed; 37 students graduated. The staff was young and energetic.
– Sis. M. Cushing read a letter received from the Sokol West student, thanking the School for allowing her to attend, spoke about the fun she had and the teaching skills she learned.
– The recipient of the Robert Liptak Award was Jonathan Rus from Sokol Spirit. The Award is a reimbursement of the fee paid for the school, along with a plaque. The staff chose the recipient based on predetermined criteria.
– Sis. J. Wise noted that the school was international because there were two girls from Sokol Canada (Toronto) and that all four Sokol organizations (Sokol USA, DA Sokol, Sokol Canada and American Sokol) were represented at the school. The school staff members were Mary Cushing (director), Peter Lattanzio, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Steven Wise, Gretchen Vencl and Joe Vorlacek. The Instructors-In-Training were Kenny Fron and Sonia Nakonecznyj. Sis. Zitna did a presentation on two different days for one hour.
– Sis. Zitna commented on how impressed she was with the conduct of the students during course. She thought students at COS would never have been that attentive; she was interested in our two-week schedule and the amount of instruction put into that two weeks. She was amazed that these students would give up two weeks of their summer to attend this school.

2007 NATIONAL SOKOL CAMP – July 30 to August 5, 2007
– Br. C. Kalat received an e-mail from Sis. L. Laznovsky about the camp. The camp was a huge success. The group was good and there were no major incidents. One camper visited the hospital, but everything was fine and she was back at camp in a couple of hours. Financials may be a little short; Sokol New York charged camp for food for meals while campers were at their hall (unexpected expense).
– Br. T. Pajer enjoyed the camp; everyone had a great time in New York City.
– There were 44 campers; one girl broke her leg a couple days before camp began and was unable to attend. The staff consisted of Lori Laznovsky, Tom Pajer, Peter Lattanzio, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Matt Carlozzi, Steve Wise and Tammy Gore with counselors Kenny Fron and Ryan Newcomer.
– It was noted that there should be a break between course and camp and not have one event immediately follow the other.
– Br. T. Pajer discussed transportation issues; organizing groups traveling together from a common destination should be encouraged. One problem encountered at camp is that parents show-up at inappropriate times to take their child home because it is inconvenient for the parent to have their child stay at camp for whatever reason. Cell phones were only allowed during certain break times.

Summer Traveling Camps
– Br. Pajer reported that the Central District camp went very well. Hosting and registration duties were excellent. Staff members were Tom Pajer, Maria Breidenbach, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Stacey Domzalski and Caitlin Short.
– There were 32 campers present. Barb Kucera coordinated camp for Central District. Kitchen staff did a great job.
– Pictures and videos were taken throughout the weekend. Maria Breidenbach put it into a DVD format and the campers were able to see it. All campers will get a copy of the DVD, with a reminder to register letter and a camp passport sticker.
– There are no other camps scheduled. More units/districts should take advantage of this opportunity. It was suggested that the DVD be shown during the Directors Conference in October.

2009 American Sokol Slet – June 22 to June 28, 2009
– The committee has been talking to the Pam American Gymnastic Union and USAG to determine if they would like to join our event. They are interested and more information will be sent to these organizations.
– Rome and Jerry Milan brought a large display to the Pittsburgh Slet advertising the 2009 Slet; Talon was also present.
– Central District volunteered to test the junior/young adult calisthenics.
Strategic Planning Committee Report
– Currently, there are three teams that are meeting: (1) The personnel team did a presentation to the Strategic Planning Task Force and the Executive Board on the Executive Director position; there will be a teleconference with the Board of Governors tomorrow for their approval. Once approval is received, the job ad will be posted. (2) The programs team will be meeting next week with the Strategic Planning team to present their educational program. (3) The data base team had their first meeting tonight.
– Sis. M. Fiordelis will publish the names of the people on the various SPTF committees.
2007 Directors Conference and BOI Development Conference – October 19-21, 2007, Ft. Worth, Texas
– Br. C. Kalat included information in the August Director’s Newsletter regarding the Development Conference. Br. R. Milan has booked a hotel for $89/night plus tax. There will be some new and different sessions presented by professionals. Any other ideas for topics should be given to Br. C. Kalat.
– The fees are the same as last year for the Conference. The Development Conference will be held at Sokol Ft. Worth, which is a short trip from the hotel. The Director’s Conference portion will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Friday morning. There will be a School Board meeting on Thursday afternoon.
– Juanita will look into registration and room arrangements at the hotel. Formal invitations will need to go out to the outside organizations for the Director’s Conference.
– All reports for the conference are due on September 15, 2007. They should be sent electronically to Juanita by September 15, 2007.
Uniform Committee
– A survey was put in the Director’s Newsletter to get feedback on uniform preference. The due date for this survey is August 17, 2007.
– There have been no recent communications with CL Activewear.
– The Uniform Committee members are Nancy Pajeau, Jean Hruby, Tom Pajer, Allison Gerber, Rome Milan, Howie and Jane Wise, Barb Vondra and Chuck Kalat.
National Skills Month
– Br. T. Pajer will check in with Bob Kucera, Christina Curran and Patti Vondra and then begin putting things together. Cards will be ready by the Director’s Conference. EllenJeanne Schnabl, Ellie Babka and Nancy Pajeau are working on senior skill cards.
World Sokol Federation Meeting
– Br. C. Kalat attended this meeting at the Pittsburgh Slet along with Br. P. Lebloch, Br. J. Milan and Br. L. Laznovsky. The WSF BOI is coming with two new international activities. One event is a test of body flexibility and strength; there would be a final competition in Prague, probably in conjunction with the anniversary of the Czech Republic in the Fall, 2008. The other is a special number type activity for 6-16 member groups; each organization would have a competition within itself to determine its best special number. All numbers would be put onto a DVD (with probably 10 organization numbers on it) and the items on that DVD will be judged; then there will be awards in various different categories, i.e. best number, best costume, etc.

– Barb Vondra and Jean Hruby accepted a gift on 6/29/07 during Prague Days at a non-profit breakfast seminar at Northwestern University of a 1948 Slet booklet with postage stamps and signatures of Sokol leaders, some of whom were killed just days after signing this booklet.
– Sokol Chicagoland/Elite Sports Complex hosted USAG Rhythmics team selection competition for Pan American Games in Brazil.
– There was a picture in the local suburban Gazette of local Sokols who participated in Pittsburgh Slet.

– American Council on Exercise: www.acefitness.org. ACE Fitness Symposium 2007 is in Las Vegas, NV on 9/5/07.
– PE-NEWS: www.pelinks4u.org.
– PE4life: www.pe4life.org.
– The Presidents Challenge: Fitness is Fun Newsletter: www.presidentschallenge.org.
– Turn September into September 2007: www.americaonthemove.org.
– Health & Fitness: www.exercise.about.com.
– USA Gymnastics Fitness: www.usa-gymnastics.org/fitness
– President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports e-newsletter: www.fitness.gov/enewsletter/Winter07-execdir-main.htm
– American Society on Ageing & Center for Disease Control: www.asaging.org/cdc
– Sign up for newsletters: www.talk.about.com
– Tiffin Mats: www.TiffinMats.com, monthly specials.
– Gymnastic Training tips: www.gymnasticstrainingtips.com. Links and Resources.

– Action list was reviewed; an updated copy is posted on the BOI members web site.

The next regular ASO-BOI meeting will be held at the American Sokol office at 122 West 22nd Street, Oak Brook, IL, on Wednesday, September 12, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. There was no further business to discuss.

MOTION made to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Beverly R. Domzalski, Secretary