Minutes of February 13, 2008 Meeting

The 7:30 start time for this meeting was delayed due to conference phone problems. This meeting opened at 7:50 p.m. by Sis. B. Vondra at Central District Office in Brookfield, Illinois. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. The following BOI members were present: Bev Domzalski, Maryann Fiordelis, Allison Gerber, Chuck Kalat, Jan Kalat, Barb Kucera, Bob Kucera, Nancy Pajeau, Irena Polashek, Ted Polashek, Barb Vondra, Howie Wise, Jane Wise, Christina Curran-Wurst. Guest: Mike Wise. Maryann Fiordelis, Juanita LoGiudice, Kandi Pajer, Tom Pajer and Patti Vondra were excused. Br. Ted Polashek was welcomed as a new men’s BOI member.

– Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy President’s Day!
– Happy Belated Birthday: Bud Benak, 2/11
– Happy Birthday: Lynda Bazata, 2/14; Mary Cushing, 2/14; Christina Curran-Wurst, 2/16; Patti Vondra, 2/25.

– Minutes of the January 9, 2008, meeting were reviewed.
MOTION made by Br. B. Kucera to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2008, American Sokol – BOI meeting, seconded by Sis. Irena Polashek and passed.

– Chuck Kalat, AAHPERD registration for 4/9-4/12/08 in Ft. Worth, TX, $230.00.
MOTION made by Br. B. Kucera to approve bills, seconded by Sis. B. Kucera and passed.

Mail Sent:
– “Fun with Marching” text to those attending Development Conference Session.
– Thank you cards to individuals involved in the District Director’s Meeting and Development Conference.

Mail Received:
– Allison Gerber to Barb Vondra: Text for Novice and Masters Female Apparatus Routines and audio tape floor music.
– American Sokol Directors Newsletter – February.
– Slovak Catholic Falcon: Supreme Physical Director is Roger J. Manyak, P. O. Box 554, 56 Depot Street, Douglas, MA 01516. Supreme Physical Directress is Susan L. Blosser, 3113 Royal Troop, Woodstock, GA 30189, www.slovakcatholicsokol.org.
– Life Newspapers: Mike Sweeney President World Powerlifting Congress and the Amateur WPC.

E-mails received:
– Jan Waldauf sent new Canada Directors: Director of Men is James Hale, 22, Fairmeadow Place, Whitby, ON L1N8V8, cathyhgale@rogers.com. Director of Women is Jana Otruba, 31 – 525 Beechwood Drive, Waterloo, ON N2T2G7, jotruba@engmail.uwaterloo.ca.
– American Sokol Instructor School, July 7-21, 2008, Sokol Greater Cleveland.
– Updated Action List posted on website by Jan and Tom.
– January BOI Minutes posted on website by Bev and Tom.
– Central District Cal Workshop, 1/26/08 at Sokol Tabor, Senior Cal by Tom and Christina.
– Central District Summer Camp Weekend 6/13-15/08 at Sokol Tabor information.
– Ron Jaros new e-mail address, rjtcoachj@yahoo.com.
– Bernadette Sheely: concerned about Tumblebear tapes order form on website; only for Sokol members; Chuck Kalat called and Juanita e-mailed a reply.
– PCPFS National Challenge starts March 20, 2008, www.presidentschallenge.org.
– Sally Bukovsky: changes in text and penalties, Level 1-3 female apparatus routines, 7/1/07.
-Jan Kalat: new address for Lori Laznovsky, 3210 Cottonwood Drive, Flower Mound, TX 75028.

E-mails sent:
– Yahoo Group: New address and phone number: 9126 Ogden Avenue, Brookfield, IL 60513-1943, 708/255-5397.
– Updated Action List Posted, www.american-sokol.org/boi/members.
– Guest organizations our new address.

– There are currently 1, 635 registered youth members from 20 different units; Central District, 502; Eastern District, 390; Northeast, 231; Pacific District, 2; Southern District, 323; Western District, 187.
– Units reporting no youth members: Milwaukee, Baltimore, Little Ferry, Houston, Corpus Christi and Omaha.
– Total income since last meeting: $60 representing youth membership from Crete, Naperville Tyrs and Spirit.
– Expenses: $24.00, contest prize mailing.
– Current activities and contests: Count the Ps contest for a pen-pal with a deadline of 2/29/08; February newsletters are being readied for printing and mailing; Sokol Challenge Quiz will be implemented in the February newsletter rather than August; the teens will be given a new means to qualify for the instructors’ school or national camp scholarship.
– Youth committee continues to update their mailing addresses.
– Br. B. Kucera indicated that in reviewing the financials, he noted there are 1, 635 members that should have generated $8, 175; to date, only $5, 825 has been collected. There are 470 youth members on the books for free. Do collection procedures need to be changed? The two units in particular that are in arrears are New York with $1, 950 outstanding since December and Yukon with $25 outstanding; also Sokol West and Sokol Zizka just submitted membership so they should pay in the very near future. Br. B. Kucera will contact Sokol New York to remind them of the outstanding balance. If this money is not paid the youth will be dropped and they will not be allowed to go to camp.

– Sis. E. Schnabl sent a report indicating that even though there was no report given at the last BOI meeting, she did send a package of material to Br. Kalat.
– Sis. Schnabl asked if Sis. B. Vondra and Sis. J. LoGiudice want materials sent to them also.
– In Sis. Schnabl’s next mailing she will ask the District educational directors how they are distributing the material she sends and what the reaction is from their units.

– Br. Mike Wise reported on the Winter Slet. Br. Wise did not attend the Slet. A formal report will be forthcoming.
– Winter Slet was a success. The volleyball event had 68 paid participants; bowling had 38 participants; and bags tournament had 18 teams (total 36 people).
– A partial refund has been given to American Sokol from North Beach.
– The participating units were Sokol Greater Cleveland, Sokol Spirit, Sokol Tabor, Sokol New York, Sokol St. Louis, Sokol Omaha, Sokol South Omaha, Sokol Stickney, Sokol Naperville Tyrs, Sokol Chicagoland, Sokol Ft. Worth, DA Sokol and some non-Sokol people.
– There were participants at this Winter Slet that did not attend the first Winter Slet.
– Database information is being updated.
– Br. Wise thanked those who helped at the Slet: Kevin Fitzpatrick, Mary Steinman, Melissa Dunlap and Mike Dropka.
– Sis. C. Wurst read a written report submitted by Br. T. Polashek. The report stated that the general manager of the hotel indicated complaints were made about some rooms blocked by Sokol. The complaints were disturbing; Br. Wise and Br. Polashek felt that certain behavior was unacceptable and respectfully requested that those attending should have more respect for Sokol and their home units. Report indicated that another Winter Slet may again be held in 2010 and Br. Polashek will hold a meeting in April, 2008, to discuss.
– Br. Polashek indicated a Warren Dunes camping trip for the whole family will be put together. Br. Kalat requested that this event not start any time prior to August 3, 2008, which would be when National Camp ends. Also, Olympic begin August 8, 2008.
– New Wing is not currently involved with the 2009 Slet in Ft. Worth, TX.

Bridgestone/Firestone Grant
– American Sokol received a $3, 850 grant from Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund to use for the Instructors’ School. A meeting was held last Sunday to decide how people would apply for the scholarships. The grant will give six $300 scholarships ($1, 800) and there will be money for two instructors in training and for general educational materials. Sis. M. Cushing is working on applications for prospective school attendees to use to apply for the scholarships.
– Bridgestone/Firestone will be listed as a sponsor of the Instructor’s School.
2009 American Sokol Slet – June 22 to June 28, 2009
– Br. Kalat has the video for Senior II calisthenics and text of Women. This will be used for testing in the Southern District.
– Br. Kalat also has an informal video of the Children’s calisthenics to view. Text exists, but has not yet been received.
– The Junior/Young Adult aerobic number has been written and is in the process of being video taped. This calisthenics will also be used in the Southern District for testing.
– The committee is working with the Convention Center to layout areas each group will use.
– Br. Kalat has put together a tentative Slet schedule and will go over it with the committee.
– The general gymnastics group is coming for sure. A regional Special Olympics group will be there. A regional acro championship event is in the works. The SPJST, which is an equivalent to CSA, will be having a big youth weekend activity with several hundred people in attendance.
– There is a contact person at USAG who is going to handle a lot of the reservations for hotels for the outside groups and will also put together a bunch of city tours, etc. that will be available for those people who come for their vacation.
– Not all groups have given firm commitments. There is more than enough room available for them.
– The general gymnastics group will have a gala evening and will present special numbers; we could be a part of that.
– The Pan American Gymnastics Union (PAGU) will also have several hundred people in attendance that will be working general gymnastics and they will also have a gala performance on one night.
– There may also be a Czech-Slovak gala night with members from other countries that will be attending. There may be a gala every night amongst all these groups.
– A committee of the BOI needs to talk about the specifics of opening competitions to outside competitors.
– Small committees are beginning to form to spread out the necessary responsibilities.
– Br. Kalat noted that Br. J. Milan turns in a monthly Slet report to the Executive Board.
– Hotel is still under construction at this time. There are blocked rooms set up at other hotels. If reservations are made at other hotels rather than the main hotel, do mention Sokol when doing so as Sokol will get credit.
– Participants should have free access to most events. Everyone else may have to pay for admission to some events.
– Central District Adult calisthenics testing is going well. A workshop was held at the end of January and all local units were represented. There is no written text yet at this time. Everyone is learning the cal from the video.
– Sis. B. Vondra spoke to Nicole Marchluk regarding the Tots calisthenics; this cal will be submitted to Sis. Vondra by the end of February.

WSF “Show” Program/Contest
– The deadline for submission has been extended to the end of March. Hopefully, Central District will have some numbers ready to video, be reviewed for selection and then be submitted.

WSF “Fitness” Program/Contest
– Jane and Howie Wise will oversee this program. A flier has been created for the Directors’ Newsletter. They have reworded the descriptions given by COS. There will be a cover page for the directors to explain what this program is. A chart was created to record scores. Award system for ASO was discussed; the top 25% of scores submitted would receive an award; everyone would receive a participation award; type of award is still undetermined. A few minor changes need to be made, but otherwise everything is ready to go out. The deadline for return is May 15, 2008.
Strategic Planning Committee Report
– Sis. M. Fiordelis was not present. Sis. B. Vondra read her report.
– A new database system was reviewed at a meeting yesterday.
– The instructor standards team is putting together a guideline book.
– The program team is revamping the physical program.
– The finance team is putting together survey results and a reference book.
– New teams, volunteer management and membership teams, have just started.
– The personnel team is working on getting ready for the next round of interviews for the executive director. The selection team will have representatives from the personnel team, executive board and board of governors. Phone interviews are planned for the weekend of February 22-24, 2008 with live presentation interviews planned for March 8-9, 2008.
– New pre-recorded message conferencing options with soon be available. Anyone that wants information on the Strategic Plan can call into that line and get some pre-recorded information.
– There should be more information in the next National publication and, soon, on the web site.
Auction BOI Fundraiser
– Sis. B. Vondra discussed a fundraiser where specialty services/skills performed by members would be auctioned off, i.e. painting, cleaning, instructions, lawn service, cook dinner, etc. This is an idea to help earn $5, 000. Each District would have to come up with $1, 000 from this event; anything earned over and above that $1, 000 can be kept by the District/Unit. Further discussion will be held.
Instructors School
– All the paperwork and applications are ready to go out the beginning of April. ASO web site will have the forms posted. Currently, Sis. Wise is waiting for the books from the 2007 school to be audited so the checkbook can be sent back out.
National Camp
– A flier was placed in the last Directors’ Newsletter and is posted on the web site. A mailing will be going out to all youth members during the beginning of March. The camp staff will be having a get-together in Ft. Worth in a week or two. The camp will be held in St. Louis. Fee schedule has changed a little bit; be aware so money can be saved.
– Sis. B. Vondra received a lead for a grant for a kids running group to fight obesity. You can get up to $10, 000. This is sponsored by Stride Rite Shoes. Sis. Vondra will get more information.
– Sis. Wise reported that the new Sokol uniform colors do not match the original colors Sokol had; also, the leotard cut is a bit different. These problems need to be submitted to Sis. Jean Hruby.
– Last year there was a Merit Award issue with deciphering the actual rules regarding the wording about the grades that needed to be achieved. It was decided to leave it as it is for this year. If it is misinterpreted again, then the wording will have to be changed.

– American Council on Exercise: www.acefitness.org.
– PE-NEWS: Newsletter: www.pelinks4u.org.
– PE4life: www.pe4life.org.
– The Presidents Challenge: Fitness is Fun Newsletter: www.presidentschallenge.org.
– Health & Fitness: www.exercise.about.com.
– President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports: www.fitness.gov.
– Sign up for newsletters: www.talk.about.com
– Tiffin Mats: www.TiffinMats.com, monthly specials.
– Gymnastic Training tips: www.gymnasticstrainingtips.com. Links and Resources.

– Action list was reviewed; an updated copy is posted on the BOI members’ web site.

– The next regular ASO-BOI meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. There was no further business to discuss.

MOTION made to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Beverly R. Domzalski, Secretary